System Requirements - AWS(3.3)
System Requirements - AWS(3.3)
The following must be installed before you can install
:Application | Download from | Comments |
Helm | https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install | Mandatory, the version depends on the Kubernetes instance version on which the product is deployed. See the Helm version support page https://helm.sh/docs/topics/version_skew/ for more information. |
Cert-manager 1.1.0 or later | https://cert-manager.io | Recommended Note! If you do not want to use cert-manager, there is an option to do the Helm install with the parameter mzOperator.webhook.tls.cert.delegate=internal. Search for documented helm values to understand the implications of this. |
aws cli | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-install.html | Mandatory, for configuring your eks cluster with kubeconfig. |
kubectl | https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/ | Mandatory, for all administrative tasks with the cluster. |
Terraform v12 | https://learn.hashicorp.com/terraform/getting-started/install.html | Optional, if you want to spin up the new infrastructure and use the example templates in the upcoming sections. |
eksctl | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/getting-started-eksctl.html | Optional, if you want to spin up the new infrastructure and use the example templates in the upcoming sections. |
Platform Databases[hide]3.0[/hide]
The following Platform Databases are supported:
- Derby (embedded)
- Oracle Database 19c
- PostgreSQL 11/12/13/14/15
- SAP HANA 2.0 (multiple-container database mode)
is installed with Derby as the default platform database. Should you want to run your installation on PostgreSQL, you must install the following:
- AWS RDS with an engine PostgreSQL. or Use your existing database instance with right connection and credentials. That should be able to create the database structure for .
The existing Infrastructure should have the following services before you install .
- EKS Cluster
- Worker Nodes
- VPC (Public and Private nodes)
- NAT Gateways
- Internet Gateways
- Routing tables
- EFS as a persistent storage
Optional services, in case they are needed:
- Load Balancers (Application Load Balancers)
Web Browsers(3.0)
For web based interfaces, it is recommended that you use the latest available versions of the following web browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
Desktop and Desktop Launcher(3.0)
The following OS and third-party software are required by the Desktop and the Desktop Launcher:
- Windows 10/11
- Java Platform Standard Edition (JRE) 17 is required.
Optional Software(3.0)
The following software is optional or is required by optional components:
- For Couchbase Enterprise Edition support, see the/wiki/spaces/3PP/pages/1671475.
- Grafana v7.1.1
- Kafka version 2.4.0 - 3.0.0
- Promethues community 2.22.1
- Redis version 5.0.7
- Terraform version v12