Starting mzcli(3.2)

The mzcli client consists of a jar file downloadable from http(s)://<platform-address>:<platform port>/download/mzcli (for example The file is also directly available in  installation in <MZ-home>/lib. The file name is mzcli.jar.

To execute the commands:

java -jar <name of jar file> mzcli <command>

Or, since mzcli is optional, just:

java -jar <name of jar file> <command>

If no <command> is provided, mzcli runs in interactive mode. That is, interactive mode is triggered if "<command> [<arguments>]" is missing. For example:

java -jar <name of jar file> [mzcli] [--<any of the options>]

In non-interactive mode, the command and its arguments are typed in the same invoking command line, in the Unix command prompt. For example:

java -jar <name of jar file> [mzcli] [--<any of the options>] <command> [<arguments>]

Example - mzcli command producing output file

$ java -jar mzcli.jar systemexport -overwrite export_file

Example - mzcli command

To list all available workflows:

$ java -jar mzcli.jar wflist
Default.HTTP2.workflow_1 (1) (1) (1)
SystemTask.Configuration_Cleaner.Configuration_Cleaner (1)
SystemTask.DataVeracity_Maintenance.DataVeracity_Maintenance (1)
SystemTask.System_Backup.System_Backup (1)
SystemTask.System_Log_Cleaner.System_Log_Cleaner (1)

To list only valid workflows:

$ java -jar mzcli.jar wflist -valid
Default.HTTP2.workflow_1 (1)
SystemTask.Configuration_Cleaner.Configuration_Cleaner (1)
SystemTask.DataVeracity_Maintenance.DataVeracity_Maintenance (1)
SystemTask.System_Backup.System_Backup (1)
SystemTask.System_Log_Cleaner.System_Log_Cleaner (1)