Operational APIs

The Usage Engine platform contains several powerful Operational APIs to enable dynamic configuration and provisioning of the system in runtime. 

Workflows API 

API to read and configure workflows and workflow parameters. See OpenAPI specification in chapter “Release Information” in user documentation for detailed information. 

Workflow Templates API 

API to read information about workflow templates. See OpenAPI specification in chapter “Release Information” in user documentation for detailed information. 

Workflow Groups API 

API to read and configure workflow groups and scheduling rules. See OpenAPI specification in chapter “Release Information” in user documentation for detailed information.   

Workflow State API 

API to read and configure states of workflows. See OpenAPI specification in chapter “Release Information” in user documentation for detailed information. 

External References API 

API to configure parameters and parameter values on database backed External Reference Profiles. See OpenAPI specification in chapter “Release Information” in user documentation for detailed information. 

External Reference Profiles API 

API to configure database backed External Reference Profiles. See OpenAPI specification in chapter “Release Information” in user documentation for detailed information. 

SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) API 

API to configure users and access groups. See chapter “SCIM” in user documentation for details. 

Identity Provider API (OIDC) 

API enabling Usage Engine to act as the Identity Provider in OIDC based authentication flows. See chapter “OIDC Identity Provider” in user documentation for details.