Date Functions(3.0)
Date Functions(3.0)
All date related functions conforms to the standard Java date functions. Years, entered with two digits, will refer to 1900 if they are between 70 and 99 and refer to year 2000 if they are between 00 and 69.
The Date functions cannot operate on null arguments.
The following functions adds a specified number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds to a date value.
void dateAddYears ( date d, int years ) void dateAddMonths ( date d, int months ) void dateAddDays ( date d, int days ) void dateAddHours ( date d , int hours) void dateAddMinutes ( date d, int minutes ) void dateAddSeconds ( date d , int seconds) void dateAddMilliseconds ( date d, int milliseconds )
Parameter | Description |
| A date/year/month/day... |
Returns | Nothing |
The following functions creates a full date, based on current system timestamp of the host, or a given date and/or time:
date dateCreateNow() date dateCreate ( int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second )
Creates dates where either the date or time part is set: