Operations REST Interface(3.0)

Operations such as dynamic workflow configuration, workflow execution plan, external references etc are exposed as an OpenAPI. A live instance of this OpenAPI can be accessed here for any given running  platform:

http(s)://<platform server>:<platform port>/ops/wf/v1/api-docs
Workflow Groups
http(s)://<platform server>:<platform port>/ops/wfg/v1/api-docs
Workflow States
http(s)://<platform server>:<platform port>/ops/wfstate/v1/api-docs
External References
http(s)://<platform server>:<platform port>/ops/extref/v1/api-docs

This allows for exploration of the OpenAPI and it is also possible to place live requests against the running platform granted that valid credentials are provided.

Static instances of this OpenAPI are also available in case no running  platform is available, see the Release Information table at /wiki/spaces/UEPED2/pages/2132599.