The Web Desktop compared with Desktop Launcher(3.0)

If you choose to access the Web Desktop, there are some differences compared to the Desktop launcher. 

This section provides information on general changes to the Desktop and the subsections provide details of changes to specific Desktop features.

Network Requirements for the SC hosting the Web Desktop

The Web Desktop requires constant connection to the web server. Since the Web Desktop is streamed to the browser using WebSockets, if the connection is lost the Desktop will not function until the connection is reestablished, which means that any operation attempted in the Web Desktop while it is in a disconnected state may hang. If connection is reestablished within 5 minutes, you can continue where you left off in the Web Desktop. If not re established within 5 minutes, the backend process is terminated and unsaved work will be lost. You must go back to the login dialog and create a new session to continue using the Web Desktop. Note that the same applies if you set your computer to sleep mode for longer than 5 minutes.

Using File Chooser Dialogs

In several Desktop features, you are required to or have the option of importing a file into or exporting a file from the Desktop. In the Web Desktop, your browser, a file chooser integration dialog is in place, which allows you to interact with the server's file system via your browser. 

Compared to the Desktop launcher, this changes the procedure of how to import and export files into the Desktop. 

For information on how to use the System Importer and System Exporter in the Web Desktop, see System Importer - Web Desktop(3.0) and System Exporter - Web Desktop(3.0).

Importing a File into the Desktop

  1. When you select to import a file, you select Import, and an Open File dialog appears.

  2. Click Browse to navigate to the file that you want to import, and you are directed to your local file from which to navigate. 

    Example dialog when importing into the Web Desktop

  3. When you select a file, the contents are imported and displayed in the active configuration.

Exporting a File from the Desktop

  1. When you select to export a file, you select Export, and a Save File dialog appears.

  2. Name the file that you want to export. A default name, in the form of <configuration name>.<configuration type>, which you can modify, is provided according to the type of file that you want to export. For example, as shown in the image below myAnalysis.apl is the default name when you export APL code from the Analysis agent named myAnalysis. 

    Example dialog when exporting APL code from an Analysis agent 

  3. Click Save. The file is saved to your local files.

Using Copy/Paste in the Desktop

The Web Desktop has a built-in clipboard integration, which means that when you use CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste text, you must press CTRL+C twice.  See below:

  1. Select the text that you want to copy and press CTRL+C. A dialog appears as shown in the image below.

    Copy dialog when using CTRL+C in the Web Desktop

    If you hover your cursor over the Copy to Clipboard button, the current content on the clipboard is displayed.

  2. Press CTRL+C or the Copy to Clipboard button to copy to your local clipboard.

  3. To then paste into the Desktop, press CTRL + V or select the Paste option from the toolbar, or the right-click menu. 

Specific Features with Changes in the Web Desktop

The information provided in the following subsections describe the difference in how the respective function works when used in the Web Desktop. See the relevant sections in the Desktop user documentation for full descriptions of these functions, but note that such sections are based on using the functions in the Desktop launcher.

The Desktop features with specific changes are the following: