
wfgroupstart <pattern matching expression for workflow group names> ... [-w <timeout s>] [-b]  
 -w <timeout> = await group completion, times out after <timeout> seconds if group is not completed 
 -b = blocks until group is completed

Starts one or more workflow groups.

Example - How to run wfgroupstart

Example interactive mode:
$ java -jar mzcli.jar wfgroupstart MyFolder.MyWorkflowGroup --password MyPassword --port MyPortNumber

Note that you must specify the location of the workflow group to be started in the format <folder name>.<workflow group name>

To start the workflow group instantly it should be in the Idle state. Otherwise, start occurs once processing is finished and the group is back in Idle state.

A workflow group in Invalid state can not be started as the configuration is invalid.

If the wfgroupstart command is used in combination with any of the options when the Platform is restarted,  cannot retain the workflow group state, so the wfgroupstart command will immediate return the exit code 101 - 'Platform down group aborted'


Use this option to wait for workflow group completion, that is wait for whichever comes first of either a timeout or received exit code declaring the status of the workflow; completed, aborted etc. For further information about exit codes, see Exit Codes(3.1) .


The [-w] option does only allow one workflow group to be started at the time.


Use this option (block) to wait for the return code that indicates that workflow group has for example completed, aborted or another code. For further information about exit codes, see Exit Codes(3.1).


The [-b] option only allows one workflow group to be started at the time.

The [-w] option has precedence over the [-b] option. If both are used at the same time the [-w] will be active.