System Importer(3.1)

Use the System Importer to import data to your system, either from a ZIP file, a specific directory, or an MZP file. The System Importer also imports data about your system, its configurations, and run-time information. MZP files can contain binaries from the exported system.

The System Importer imports data that has been exported by the System Exporter (or, if using mzcli, the commands systemexport(3.0) or packageexport(3.0)). Every time you import data, the System Importer saves a backup file that contains all the imported data. This file is stored on the Platform computer, in $MZ_HOME/backup/yyyy_MM, by the name import_<date>_<filename>.zip.


This is the default path but can be changed using the following property in the platform.xml file:
<property name="mz.backup.path" and value="${mz.home}/backup"/>

The file exported by the System Exporter can contain data from the following folder types:

  • Configuration: Workflow configurations, agent profiles, Workflow groups, Ultra formats, or alarm detectors.

  • Run-Time: Data that is generated by the system during workflow run-time.

  • System: Other customized parts of   such as Data Veracity, Event Category, Folder (structure), Pico Host, Ultra, User, or Workflow Alarm Value.

  • In the case of an MZP import, it can also contain binaries from the exported system.


Before using the System Importer consider the following:

  • Historical data is not included in the export.

  • Imported Event Notifications are disabled. You must enable these manually. This is valid for Workflows and Workflow groups also.


You can also export dynamic workflows and external references values, however you have to actively choose them. These are not imported by default.


When importing file format MZP: This import is self-contained with the same binaries as in the exporting system. For more information see /wiki/spaces/DRXXE/pages/6200774 and System Exporter. Because the configurations are self-contained, they do not affect any existing configurations, since the used binaries are not replaced at the import. This is not the case when choosing to import the configuration from a workflow package, in which case the configuration is handled the same way as when importing a regular, zip-file export.

To open the System Importer, click the Tools button in the upper left part of the  Desktop window. Then select System Importer from the menu.

The System Importer

File System Profile

Use the File System Profile option if you want to import the data from a file system other than the default for example, Amazon S3. Click Browse Profile to select the file system. You will see the options that you selected using System Exporter.

See File System Profile to know how to configure a File System Profile.

Input Source

Click the Browse button to select the path and enter the name of the file to be imported.

New Owner

Use this function to reassign the ownership of the configurations to another user during import.

Available Entries

Contains a tree layout view of the data you can import. Select the relevant checkboxes in the Include column.


Click this button to import the selection from the Input Source address to your system. The Import button will change into Abort, which enables you to cancel the importing process.


If the configuration directory structure is not identical to that of the exported material, the import will fail.

Save...Click the Save button to select the path and enter a file name to save the log to.
PrintClick Print to print the log file.



Collapse All

Select this option to collapse the folders so only the folders are visible.

Expand All

Select this option to expand all folders to display the folders and all the configurations that they contain.

Select the Properties button to set these options:

  • Abort On Error: Select this option to abort the import process if an error occurs. If an error occurs and you do not select this option, the import will be completed, but the imported data might contain erroneous components. Invalid Ultra and APL definitions are considered erroneous, and result in aborting the import.
  • Import external references database values: Select this option if you want to import external reference values.
  • Select Dependencies: Select this option to have dependencies follow along with the entries that you actively select.
  • Directory Input: Select this option to enable import of unpacked data that have been exported to a directory. For further information, see System Exporter. Clear this option to import a ZIP or MZP file.
  • Preserve Permissions: Select this option to preserve user permissions in the current system when importing a configuration. Clear this option to accept overwriting of user permissions in the current system.
  • Import Configuration From Package: Add this option if you would like to import the Workflow Package (MZP) as configuration instead of a Workflow Package.
  • Import Dynamic Workflows: Select this option if you want to import the dynamic workflows, together with the Workflow template, that have been exported during System Export.

  • Hold Execution: Select this option to prevent scheduled Workflow groups from being executed while importing configurations.
  • Restart: For information, see /wiki/spaces/DRXXE/pages/6201830 in the Command Line Interfaces manual.
  • Stop and Restart: For information, see /wiki/spaces/DRXXE/pages/6201830 in the Command Line Interfaces manual.
  • Stop Immediately and Restart: For information, see /wiki/spaces/DRXXE/pages/6201830 in the Command Line Interfaces manual.
  • Wait for Completion and Restart: For information, see /wiki/spaces/DRXXE/pages/6201830 in the Command Line Interfaces manual.

    The Web Desktop

    If using the Web Desktop it is not possible to use Directory Input.

Dry RunClick this button to test data compatibility prior to actually importing.

How To Import Data

  1. In the System Importer, select options according to your preferences in the Properties dialog.

  2. Click the Browse button to select the directory where the exported data is located.


    To configure a default directory for when you click the Browse button, add the Desktop property mz.gui.systemimport.default.dir. The value must be the full path to an existing directory, for example /home/mz.

    The System Importer also remembers the last directory from which an import was made, and will open the file browser in this directory the next time you click the Browse button. This directory is kept in memory until the Desktop is closed.

  3. Expand the folders in Available Entries and select the checkboxes in the Include column for the entries you want to import.

  4. Click the Import button to start the import process.


    In extreme cases when importing configuration from   8.1 to   10, there may be an agent that has been deprecated in one of the workflows. That agent will be replaced with a Black Box agent. For more information as to what that entails or what the Black Box agent is, refer to /wiki/spaces/UEPE3D/pages/1909088.

  5. Update the dynamic configuration data in the collectors with the file sequence numbers, that you had noted down before performing the export. For further information, see section How To Export Data, in System Exporter.

  6. Enable all the workflows that are configured with Scheduling.

    Important Information

    • Prior to importing Inter Workflow and Aggregation profiles, empty the Workflow data stream. Otherwise, these agent profiles will be overwritten by the profiles that are included in the imported bundle, and might not recognize or reprocess data.
    • Imported Workflow groups are disabled by default. You need to activate all the members, their respective sub-members, and the workflow group itself.

    • When you import a User it is disabled by default. A User with Administrator permissions must enable the user and revise which Access groups the user should be assigned to.

    • Imported Alarms are disabled by default. You can enable an Alarm from the Alarm Detection Configuration.

    • Imported Event Notifications are disabled by default. You can enable an Event notification from the Event Notification Configuration.


If you try to import exactly the same MZP file or workflow package twice you get an error, however if you want you can import it as configuration. The error is given if the checksums of MZP files are identical. Note that if you export exactly the same configuration twice the checksums will differ.