Security (3.1)

Security (3.1)

The Security profile is a generic profile that you can use to make encryption configurations that can be used by various agents. For example, the HTTP/2 and Kafka agents.

The profile consists of three tabs: General, Advanced, and External Keystore.

General Tab

Keystore Settings

The following settings are available:


You can select from the following options:

  • Java Keystore
  • External Keystore
  • <None>

Selecting External Keystore or <None> disables the rest of the keystore settings. Selecting External Keystore will require the more input in External Keystore tab.


Enter the location of the keystore from which you want to read the key. 
PasswordEnter the keystore password. 
Public Key AliasThe encryption alias to use. When configuring a client, it should be the alias to the server's public certificate. If left empty the Keystore Alias will be used to encrypt the message.
Private Key AliasIf the keystore contains more than one key, specify the alias of the key that you want to use.
Key PasswordThe Key Password field is optional. You can enter the key password, or if you leave this field empty, the Password that you entered is the default.

Example - How to create a symmetric crypto key

$ keytool -keystore test.ks -storepass password -genseckey -keysize 128 -alias testkey -keyalg AES

Example - How to create a Keystore file with security contents

This example code shows how to create a Java keystore file for both the server and client connection. This will generate the file, containing the associated security certificate, and the public and private keys. 

Code Block
keytool -genkey -alias server -keyalg RSA -keystore ./server.jks