02. Core Package Details PE 4
Below you can find details about the included components of the mandatory package MediationZone Core.
Base package
Package | Type | Included in Subscription base license | Release | Description |
Usage Engine Core | Both | Y | 4.2.0 | The product platform. Consists of: |
Aggregation | Both | Y | 4.2.0 | The Aggregation and Correlation framework. Consists of:
File storage option is included. Other types are available as extensions. |
Analysis | Both | Y | 4.2.0 | The data analysis and processing agent. Consists of:
Archive | Offline | Y | 4.2.0 | Enables files to be saved on a filesystem from any route in a workflow.
Black Box | Both | Y | 4.2.0 | A generic replacement, "black box agent", for missing or invalid agents in imported workflow configurations. |
CSV Decoder | System | Y | 4.2.0 | Built in decoder and encoder for CSV formats, with a selection of the following standards:
Database Collection / Forwarding | Offline | Y | 4.2.0 | Enable collection from and forwarding to database tables. Consists of:
Documentation Generator | System | Y | 4.2.0 | Makes it possible to add documentation of user configuration. |
Duplicate Batch | Offline | Y | 4.2.0 | Enables duplication control of collected batches. Metadata for verified batches is kept for a configurable number of days. Duplication check can be based on file size, check sum and MIM values. Duplicates are removed from processing and stored on local disk. Consists of:
Duplicate UDR | Offline | Y | 4.2.0 | Provides duplication control of incoming UDRs. Metadata for verified UDRs is kept for a configurable number of days. Duplication check can be based on one or several fields in the UDRs. Duplicates are stored in ECS, or routed on an alternate route in the workflow. Consists of:
Error Correction System (ECS) | Offline | Y | 4.2.0 | Forwards and collects erroneous data to and from the system database. The data can be tagged and grouped, enabling easy inspection for drill-down purposes and reprocessing. A configurable clean up task is executed regularly removing reprocessed data. Consists of:
Git Support | System | Y | 4.2.0 | Support for configuration exports to Git, and configuration imports from Git. |
In-memory storage for Aggregation | Both | Y | 4.2.0 | Storage option for aggregation in both batch and realtime workflows. Sessions are saved in memory only. No session data is saved between workflow executions. |
Inter-Workflow | Both | Y | 4.2.0 | Forwards and collects data to and from other workflows. Realtime to batch workflow propagation of data is a typical use of the agents. Files are stored on filesystem.
JSON Decoder | System | Y | 4.2.0 | Built in decoder and encoder for JSON formats. |
Kubernetes Client | System | Y | 4.2.0 | The Kubernetes Client. |
Pulse | Online | Y | 4.2.0 | A simulator agent useful for test situations. Generates data in a realtime workflow. Configurable parameters:
Supervision Service | Online | Y | 4.2.0 | The Supervision Service can generate events in realtime workflows when certain combinations of conditions are met. These conditions are based on the current values for specified MIM parameters. The generated events can optionally trigger actions. |
Ultra | System | Y | 4.2.0 | Data format description framework for external and internal formats, and mapping in between. Uses the syntax notation language UFDL (Ultra Format Definition Language). Supports binary, ASCII, and ASN.1 data in the base package. Several additional data formats can be supported - refer to the list of system extensions. Consists of:
Web UI Desktop | System | Y | 4.2.0 | Next generation User Interface. Web-native UI with support for Accessibility. |
Mandatory option for MediationZone Core
Package | Type | Release | Description |
Core with Oracle support | Both | 4.2.0 | Support for Oracle as Platform database. The database is not included. |
Core with PostgreSQL support | Both | 4.2.0 | Support for PostgreSQL as Platform database. Two deployment options: a) PostgreSQL embedded in MediationZone. DigitalRoute will provide commercial support. b) PostgreSQL not included. |
Core with embedded Derby | Both | 4.2.0 | Support for Derby as Platform database. The database in embedded in the product, and commercial support is provided by DigitalRoute. Note! For Batch systems handling more than 300 million records per day, the PostgreSQL or Oracle option is required. |
Core with SAP HANA Support | Both | 4.2.0 | Support for Hana as Platform database. The database is not included. |