Importing Code

When importing code, use the following prefixes:

  • python. : to import Python Module configurations.

  • ultra. : to import built-in UDR types or Ultra Format configurations.

  • apl. : to import functions and/or constants from APL Code configurations.

  • . : to import something relative to any of the items listed above if located in the same folder.

  • <nothing> : to import any standard or third party Python module.

A good practice is to strive to organize the code in modules for maximum reuse.


Always import your Python Module configurations, Ultra Format configurations, and APL Code configurations from the global scope, i.e. not from within a function.

Example - Importing Code to the Python Agent

# Absolute imports from python.Analytics.PYM_Algorithms import findclu from ultra.Analytics.UFL_Types import InputData from apl.Analytics.APL_Helpers import logger # Relative imports from .PYM_Algorithms import findclu from .UFL_Types import InputData from .APL_Helpers import logger # Other imports import numpy as np