Batch-Based Real-Time Agents - Agent Configuration
This section describes how to configure the agents.
When you select one of the agents, the configurations include the same tabs that are displayed in a batch version of the configuration, with the exception of the Filename Sequence tab, which is not included as it is irrelevant in a real-time workflow.
For details on the configuration of the agents, see the relevant section in the Desktop User's Guide:
Additional Configurations for Collection Agents
When the collection agents are included in a real-time workflow, there are also three additional tabs for each of the agent configurations: Decoder, Decompression and Execution. See the example image below.
Decoder Tab
In the Decoder tab you configure the settings related to the decoding of the collected data.
Setting | Description |
Decoder | Click Browse to select from a list of available decoders created in the Ultra Format Editor, as well as the default built-in decoders:
Different settings are available depending on the Decoder you select. |
Full Decode |
MZ Tagged Specific Settings | |
Tagged UDR Type | Click the Add button to select from a list of available internal UDR formats stored in the Ultra and Code servers, to reprocess UDRs of an internal format and send them out. If the compressed format is used, the decoder automatically detects this. |
JSON Specific Settings | |
UDR Type | Click Browse to select the UDR type you want the Decoder to send out. You can either select one of the predefined UDRs or the |
Unmapped Fields | If you have selected |
Schema Path | Enter the path to the JSON schema you want to use in this field. |
CSV Specific Settings | |
UDR Type | Click Browse to select the UDR type you want the Decoder to send out. You can either select one of the predefined UDRs or the |
Format | Select the CSV format you want to use; Unix, Mac, Windows, or Excel, or select to define your own customized format. If you select Custom, the following four settings will be enabled. |
Delimiter | Enter the delimiter character(s) for the fields in the CSV. |
Use Quote | Select this option if quotes are used in the CSV. |
Quote | If Use Quote is selected, enter the type of quotes used in the CSV. |
Line Break | Enter how line breaks are expressed in the CSV. |
Decompression Tab
In the Decompression tab you specify if you want to decompress the files or not.
Setting | Description |
Compression Type | Select the required decompression algorithm:
Execution Tab
In the Execution tab, you configure how often the workflow will be executed, how decoding errors will be handled and what action is to be taken when Cancel Batch messages are called. For furher information on Cancel Batch, see Batch-Based Real-Time Agents - Transaction Behavior.
Cancel Batch messages are sent:
If a decoding error occurs, and you have selected the Cancel Batch option in the agent configuration
If you have selected for files to be decompressed in the Decompression tab of agent configuration and it fails, e g because a file is corrupt or is not compressed.
Setting | Description |
Run Once | Select this option if you want the workflow to run once. |
Repeat Every X Seconds | Select this option if you want the workflow to be run repeatedly with an interval of a specific number of seconds. The default value is 5 seconds. If you have selected this option, when the agent encounters an error, the workflow does not abort. The error is reported in the System Log and the agent retries at the next repeat. |
Decoding Error Handling | Select one of the error handling options to control how to react upon decoding errors:
Abort Immediately | If enabled, the workflow immediately aborts on the first Cancel Batch message from any agent in the workflow. The erroneous data batch is kept in its original place and must be moved/deleted manually before the workflow can be started again. |
Abort After | If enabled, the value of |
Never Abort | The workflow will never abort. However, as with the other error handling options, the System Log is always updated for each Cancel Batch message. |
Additional Configurations for Forwarding Agents
When the forwarding agents are included in a real-time workflow, there is also one additional tabs for each of the agent configurations: File Closing Criteria. See the example image below.
Setting | Description |
(bytes) | When the file size has reached the number of bytes entered in this field, the file will be closed as soon as the current bytearray has been included, and stored in the storage directory. This means that the file size may actually be larger than the set value since the system will not cut off any bytearrays. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used. |
Volume (UDRs) | When the file contains the number of UDRs entered in this field, the file will be closed and stored in the storage directory. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used. |
Timer (sec) | When the file has been open for the number of seconds entered in this field, the file will be closed and stored in the storage directory. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used. |