Database Collection Agent Events

Agent Message Events

An information message from the agent, stated according to the configuration done in the Event Notification Editor.

For further information about the agent message event type, see Agent Event.

  • Ready with table: tablename
    Reported, along with the name of the working table, when all rows are collected from it.

Debug Events

Debug messages are dispatched in debug mode. During execution, the messages are displayed in the Workflow Monitor.

You can configure Event Notifications that are triggered when a debug message is dispatched. For further information about the debug event type, see Debug Event.

The agent produces the following debug events:

  • Start collecting
    Indicates that possible cleanup procedures are finalized and that the actual collection begins.

  • No rows selected from table  tablename
    Reported, along with the name of the working table, if no rows have been selected for collection.

  • Avoids reading the following pending txn ids:  list of ids
    Reported, along with a list of Transaction IDs, if the constructed SQL select statement finds any pending Transaction IDs in the pending transaction table. Rows marked with these transaction IDs will be excluded by the query.

  • Marking collected data as cancelled
    Reported when a Cancel Batch is received.

  • Deleting collected data
    Reported when collected rows are removed after collection, if Remove is selected in After Collection.

  • Has deleted  n rows in  tablename
    Subevent to the Deleting collected data event, stating the number of rows removed by each SQL commit command. The maximum number depends on the Commit Window Size.

  • Marking collected data
    Reported when collected rows are marked, if Mark as Collected is selected in After Collection.

  • Has updated  n rows in  tablename
    Sub event to the Marking collected data event, stating the number of rows marked as collected by each SQL commit command.

  • Taking care of collected data via  SPname
    Reported, along with the name of the stored procedure, when it is called after collection, if Run SP is selected in After Collection.

  • Try to force running Stored Procedure to Stop
    Reported when stopping a workflow that has a Stored Procedure running.