Real-Time Disk_Deprecated Collection Agent

The Disk_Deprecated collection agent collects files from a local file system and inserts them into a workflow.

The agent's source directory is continuously scanned for files that match a filter expression. Files that match are temporarily moved to an automatically created subdirectory before being processed. This is to prevent that the same files are collected by multiple workflows.

The collected files are routed to the workflow as partial data sets, i.e. part of a bytearray or a decoded UDR, via FileSend types. These UDRs contain the original data and a sequence number. When all the partial data sets have been sent by the agent, it sends a FileEnd UDR to the workflow. The workflow must acknowledge the reception by routing back the same UDR type, or a timeout error will occur. For further information about timeout errors, see Real-Time Disk_Deprecated Collection Agent Configuration.

UDR Flow

When a file has been successfully processed by the workflow, the agent offers the possibility of moving, renaming, or removing the original file.

If the agent fails to read, move, or decode a file, a FileError UDR type is routed to the workflow. In case of decoding errors, the erroneous file is also sent to DR_ERROR_DIR in the source directory.

If the EC is terminated while the workflow is running, the temporary files remain on the file system. When the workflow is restarted, these files are moved to the original source directory. 


  Since partial data is routed to the workflow, it may be duplicated when temporary files are moved back to the source directory after a workflow restart.

If you are required to run the batch-based Disk collection agent in a real-time workflow, see Batch-Based Real-Time Disk Agents - int.