ECS Inspector Table

Once the search is performed and matches are found the table in the ECS Inspector is populated. Each row represents one UDR or one batch.


The ECS Inspector caches the result when the user populates a list (for instance the Error Codes). This is done to avoid unnecessary population of workflow names, agent names, and error codes since it is costly in terms of performance. You have to click on the Refresh button in order to repopulate the search window.

ECS Inspector - UDRs

ECS Inspector - Batches


The following columns are available in the ECS Inspector table:






The table sequence number.


A sequence number, automatically assigned to an entry.


Date and time when the entry was inserted in the ECS.


Name of the workflow from which the data was sent.


Name of the agent that sent the entry to ECS. For UDRs, this is the ECS forwarding agent. For batches, this is a collection agent.

UDR Type

Available for UDRs. This column displays the UDR type.

Cancel Agent

Available for batches. This column displays the name of the agent that issued the cancelBatch request.

Cancel Message

Available for batches. This column displays the message sent with the cancel request. The following example shows a user defined request, defined with APL using an Analysis agent:

Example - A user defined request, defined using APL


Error Code

The Error Code as defined in the ECS.

Error UDR

Available for batches. This column displays the type of the Error UDR associated with the batch. Double-click on a table cell in this column to show information about the whole Error UDR.

The Error UDR is populated with information needed in a workflow when reprocessing a batch. You can populate the Error UDR either from the Workflow properties dialog (see Workflow Properties, Error tab), or from an agent using APL (see ECS Collection Agent Configuration). The fields of the Error UDR automatically appear as MIM values in the reprocessing workflow.

Workflow Properties dialog - Error tab

Example - ErrorUDR

myErrorUDR eUDR = udrCreate( myErrorUDR ); eUDR.noOfUDRs = (long)mimGet( "IN", "Outbound UDRs" ); udrAddError( eUDR, "nokSOURCE", "Switch not found." ); cancelBatch( "Incorrect source.", eUDR ); The error UDR format is defined as any other format from the Ultra Format Editor. internal myErrorUDR{ long noOfUDRs; };

RP Group

Shows the reprocessing group that the entry is assigned to, if any. Assignments can be made both manually and automatically. In the latter case, an Error Code must be mapped to a reprocessing group.

RP State

Initially, an entry has the reprocessing state New, that is the entry has not been reprocessed. In order for it to be collectable, it has to be assigned to a reprocessing group. When collected by an ECS collection agent, the state is changed to Reprocessed.

MIM Values

Double-clicking this field displays a new dialog, listing the MIM values. MIM values are configured differently for batches and UDRs:

  • Batch - From the Workflow properties dialog.

  • UDR - From the ECS forwarding agent.

Note that to open the MIM values dialog, the MIM Values field(s) have to be populated.


Available for UDRs. This column displays any tags that have been set for the UDRs.

Last RP State Change

This column displays the timestamp when the reprocessing state was last changed. The first time a UDR is sent to the ECS, it is set to state New, so in this case the column displays the timestamp when the UDR was inserted into the ECS. When the UDR is collected for reprocessing or if the state is changed manually, this column is updated with the current timestamp.

<search field label(s)>

Available for UDRs. If you have configured Searchable Fields in the ECS, the search field labels are displayed as individual columns.

See Configuring Searchable Fields in the ECS for further information.

Tagging UDR

After you have searched for UDRs, you can select specific UDRs that are of interest, tag them, and then save a filter based on the tag. This will display only the tagged UDRs whenever the filter is used.

To tag UDRs and save as a filter:

  1. After populating the ECS Inspector, select the UDRs you want to tag. Right-click in the table and select the Set Tag on UDR(s)... option.

    A dialog opens asking you to enter a name for the tag.

    Setting tags

  2. Enter the tag name in the Tag Name field and click OK.

    The selected UDRs are now tagged.

  3. Open the Search ECS dialog by clicking on the Search button.

  4. Select the Tag checkbox and enter the tag you want to search for in the field to the right of the checkbox.

  5. Click on the Save As... button beneath the Saved Filters list.

    A dialog opens asking you to enter a name for the filter.

    Enter a name in the Saved Filter Name field and click OK.

    The dialog closes and the new filter appears in the Saved Filters list.

    Tag Filter

The next time you want to view the tagged UDRs, select the saved filter when making your search to only display the tagged UDRs in the ECS Inspector.