Important Information

The following provides important information related to MediationZone 9.3:

MD5 Message Algorithm for MZ CTS+ Integration

Mediation Zone's integration with CTS+ now supports the MD5 message algorithm. MD5 is used for compatibility and integrity checks during the transport process, ensuring that transported configurations or files remain unaltered. However, it's important to note that MD5 is utilized because it is the only algorithm that works for this integration, even though it is not the most secure option available today.

Support for Insecure Ciphers Removed

Support for using the old RC4 or ARCFOUR ciphers in the SFTP agents have been removed since these ciphers are considered insecure.

Deprecated Agents or Features

When the term deprecated is used for an agent or a feature, this means:

  • The agent or feature is still available for use in the current version.

  • You are not encouraged to use the agent or feature long-term.

  • You need to switch to an alternative soon as the agent and feature will be replaced, or sunset in upcoming versions.


Profiles and agents to be deprecated:

  • REST Server profile

  • REST Client agent

  • REST Server agent

  • HTTPD agent

  • Desktop Launcher

  • Legacy Kafka agents

  • Real-Time Disk collection agent

  • Real-Time Diskforwarding agent

  • Legacy Ultra Avro

Replaced and Removed Functionality

Functionality that has been replaced with a functional equivalent or sunset from the product is described in the MediationZone 9 Product Catalog here: 12. APPENDIX - Changes from 8.3 Product Catalog

Some Functionality only Available in Legacy Desktop Client

Certain features have not yet made it into the new Desktop and are only available in the Legacy Desktop client. These are described in Legacy Desktop.

Auto Edit Mode in UDR File Editor

While editing UDRs in bulk, there is a mode available called Auto Edit. Using this mode you can edit multiple UDRs using matchers and assignments. See . This mode is available in Legacy Desktop only.

REST is not Supported for Conditional Trace

In this new version of Conditional Trace, REST is not supported, configurations can be done in Desktop only.

Context-Sensitive Help and Offline Documentation in Browser Not Available

For this release, documentation is available in InfoZone and PDF format only.

Performance Degradation When Using Unsupported Oracle versions and Oracle JDBC drivers

As a result of our performance testing for MediationZone 9.3 and using Oracle database, there is noticeable performance degradation when connecting to Oracle versions older than Oracle 19 and using Oracle JDBC drivers older than OJDBC 10. We recommend that you use the latest supported Oracle versions and Oracle JDBC drivers when using MediationZone 9.3.

Importing Old IPDR SP Agent Workflow Configurations Returned Validation Errors

If you have an old IPDR Workflow configuration from version 8. x, it is possible that validation errors about invalid IPDR SP agents may occur.

Example error during import:

The following agents returned validation errors. IPDR_SP_1 is invalid. Default is not a valid property

To resolve this, you will need to open the workflow and save the workflow configuration.

Alternatively, you can manually add “#” to each “Default value is …” in the IPDR SP agent’s Advanced Properties tab.

Unavailable mzsh Commands

In MediationZone 9.3 the following mzsh commands from 8.x are not available:





  • db-scripts


  • jcreate


  • keytool


  • kpimodel

Not needed anymore since the structure of the model can now be viewed in the user interface.

  • apl-loglevel


  • pexport


  • reloadkeystore


  • spaceactivation

  • spacecopy

  • spacecreate

  • spacelist

  • spaceremove

Not valid any more since Configuration Spaces is no longer available.

  • spark


  • udrview


  • echo


Proxy Support

Proxy support has been added for:

  • HTTP2 APL functions

  • GCP Storage agents

See and for more information.


Previously, Proxy has also been available for the following:

  • HTTP APL functions

  • HTTP Batch agent

  • GCP agents

  • HTTP/2 Client agent

  • Salesforce Streaming agent

  • Web Service agents

  • Amazon S3

  • HTTP/2 Server agent

  • REST Client_Deprecated Agent