Backlog Size Functions

Backlog Size Functions

In a real-time workflow, asynchronous agents use a queue to forward input UDRs to the workflow. This way, a workflow can be configured to include multiple queues, one for every asynchronous agent's output route. Each queue contains a UDR backlog.


The backlog can only handle UDRs.

The following functions for Backlog Size described here are:


The queueGetSize function retrieves the number of UDRs of the queue that currently contains the highest number of UDRs in the workflow.

int queueGetSize()


the largest queue size.


The queueGetLimit function gets the configured maximum queue size limit.

int queueGetLimit() 


The soft limit, the configured maximum queue size limit of the workflow queue.

You configure the soft limit of the workflow queues in the Workflow Properties. For further information, see Workflow Properties the Desktop user's guide.


A real-time agent implementation can modify the soft limit during the agent initialize() phase. For further information see initialize.