Fail-Safe Operation

Fail-Safe Operation

MediationZone is a workflow based mediation system that guarantees that all data will be secured in case of a system/network failure. During workflow execution, transaction data is exchanged between workflows and platform control servers in order to maintain transactional integrity (restart at failure point without data loss or duplication).

MediationZone includes functionality for record/batch duplicate checking in order to avoid duplicated data due to network elements or human intervention. The duplicate control uses persistent storage so it will not lose track after a system failure. Configuration of checking an interval is easily configured from the user interface.

Collected usage data can be secured in four different (optional) ways during Workflow execution:

  • Stored on disk, locally or on networked disk.

  • Stored in a relational database, locally or accessible over the network.

  • Archived centrally in secure storage managed by platform control services.

  • Vendor specific backup solutions should be applied for disks and databases.

System Redundancy

MediationZone includes the ability to have redundant workflow processing servers. If a specific server fails, workflows deployed on that server may automatically be re-directed to an available server. Full transactional integrity enables workflows to resume execution on the new server at the last recorded transaction point.

System level High Availability is managed by third party high availability solutions.