
usage: sldreg [topologyFilePath] [outputFilePath]

This command allows you to generate the SLD (System Landscape Directory) configuration data for registration in the SAP Solution Manager.

It is optional to enter the sld.conf file as an argument, but if you do not enter the sld.conf file, it is assumed that the relevant file is the default, namely MZ_HOME/etc/sld.conf. If you want to use another directory and another filename, you have the option to enter one or two different directories/file names.

Example - sldreg

Using No Arguments

$ mzsh sldreg

The file cluster-sld.conf will be generated in the directory $MZ_HOME/sap-sldreg/.

Using Directory Arguments

$ mzsh sldreg mydirectory/1.conf mydirectory/2.conf

The files 1.conf and 2.conf will be generated in the directory $MZ_HOME/mydirectory/.

The sld.conf file provides the static information for the output generated.

You must run this command from the machine where the Platform is running.

Return Codes

The different return codes for the sldreg command are listed below:

0Will be returned if the command is successful.
1Will be returned if writing the temporary topology file fails.
2Will be returned if converting to the sld topology file fails.
7Will be returned if the the command is not executed on the machine where the Platform is running.