Preparing and Creating Scripts for KPI Management
Preparing and Creating Scripts for KPI Management
In preparation for using KPI Management, you need to extract the following scripts:
The scripts are as follows:
These scripts will be used for different procedures in the KPI Management - Distributed Processing sections.
Preparations before extracting scripts:
A Prerequisite is that Spark, ZooKeeper, and Kafka are installed. Zookeeper and Kafka should be up and running as well. For more information about this, see KPI Management - External Software.
Before running the command to extract the scripts, these parameters need to be set as environment variables as they will be entered into some scripts:
export KAFKA_BROKERS="" export SPARK_UI_PORT=4040 export MZ_PLATFORM_AUTH="mzadmin:DR-4-1D2E6A059AF8120841E62C87CFDB3FF4" export MZ_KPI_PROFILE_NAME="kpi_common.SalesModel" export MZ_PLATFORM_URL="" export ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS="" export SPARK_HOME=opt/spark-3.3.2-bin-hadoop3-scala2.13 export KAFKA_HOME=/opt/kafka_2.13-3.3.1 export $PATH=$SPARK_HOME/bin:$KAFKA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Extracting scripts and KPI app: