

usage: systemexport [ -select <xml-selection file> ] [ -includesysdata ] [ -overwrite ] [ -directory ] <export file|directory> [password]

This command exports configuration data to a file or directory in the client's local repository. As this command is available only to the mzadmin user, all the entries are exported, regardless of their access permissions.

This command's output log information is displayed during the command execution. Although no log file is generated, you can view log information in the shell and save it in a file.


Specify the name of the Selection file that you want to use. For information about this parameter, see XML Selection File in systemimport.


Use this option to include system data such as users, pico hosts, and other system data.


Use this option to specify that the export- file or directory should be overwritten.


Use this option to specify that the export data is sent to a directory, instead of a file.

<export file|directory>

Specify the path of the directory or ZIP file that contain the configurations that you want to export.

[ password ]

To export encrypted configurations, provide a password.

Return Codes

Listed below are the different return codes for the systemexport command:



Will be returned if the command was successful.


Will be returned if the argument count is incorrect or if the export fails.


Will be returned if the output directory exists, or if write permission is missing, or if the directory cannot be created for any other reason.


Will be returned if the XML selection file cannot be read.


Will be returned if any errors was reported during export.