Management API
This section describes the Management API of the Authorization Server. Once you have setup the Authorization Server service instance, you will need to provision scopes and register clients before access tokens can be requested. The Authorization Server will provide access tokens for registered (known) clients only.
The Management API's purpose is to help with the process of provisioning scopes and client registration via a set of HTTP based APIs and managing them.
Provisioning Scopes
A scope is what is known as an arbitrary string based on the user's context. Examples such as normal_scope, admin_scope determines the user's access level and the scopes that are associated with that level. Scope values cannot have space characters and it is recommended that any space be substituted with the underscore character.
Scopes can be added and removed using the /scope endpoint URI after the Management API base URI while setting up the Authorization Server.
Example - Scope endpoint URI
The following table lists all HTTP APIs available for provisioning scopes and the expected success return value.
URI | HTTP Method | Input Parameters | Input Format and Example | Return Value | Return Format and Example |
/scope | GET | None | Format: | Space delimited list of all scopes provisioned | Format: Example: |
/scope | POST | Space delimited list of scopes to be provisioned | Format: Example: | Space delimited list of scopes provisioned succesfully | Format: Example: |
/scope | PATCH | Space delimited list of scopes to be removed | Format: Example: | Space delimited list of scopes removed successfully | Format: Example: |
Client Registration
A client is an application that requires the REST API to be hosted on the HTTP/2 Server agent.
When the OAuth2 authorization is enabled in the HTTP/2 Server agent, the client must obtain an access token such as generated by Authorization Server and then provide the access token via the Authorization
HTTP header for REST API requests. The client must be registered first before obtaining the access token from the Authorization Server. Any unregistered client will not be accepted.
Clients can be registered and removed using the /clients endpoint URI after the Management API base URI.
Example - Client endpoint URI
The client name MUST be unique.
The following table lists all HTTP APIs available for provisioning scopes and the expected success return value:
URI | HTTP Method | Input Parameters | Input Format and Example | Return Value | Return Format and Example |
/clients | GET | None | Format: Example: | List of all clients registered | Format: Example: |
/clients/<client_name> | GET | None | Format: Example: | Client details for the <client_name> specified | Format: Example: |
/clients | POST | client_name and scope of the client to be registered | Format: Example: | Clients details for the <client_name> registered | Format: Example: |
/clients/<client_name> | DELETE | N/A | Format: Example: | Status for the removal of the client with <client_name> | Format: Example: |
/clients/<client_name> | PUT | scope of client to be registered or modified if client exists | Format: Example: | Client details for the <client_name> that is registered or modified | Format: Example: |
/clients/<client_name> | PATCH | N/A | Format: Example: | Client details for the <client_name> that is specified and with new client_id and client_secret generated | Format: Example: |
HTTP Status Code
The Management API in the Authorization Server will return certain codes to the client to indicate a successful or unsuccessful request. The following table will show the HTTP Status Code for successful HTTP API calls as well as all unsuccessful HTTP API calls.
HTTP Status Code | Return Value | Return Format | Return Example |
200 (Successful) | This indicates that the HTTP API call is successful. The response will often include a body that is dependent on which method was used in the request. | JSON | Highly dependent on the HTTP method type. |
400 (Bad Request) | Status of the HTTP API call and description of the status. Error is due to incorrect usage of the HTTP API by the user. | JSON | {"status":"error","description":"invalid form data"} |
401 (Unauthorized) | Incorrect username and/or password provided for the HTTP API call when HTTP Basic Authentication is enabled for the Management API. The response HTTP header parameter "WWW-Authenticate" will be set to "Basic" in this case. | N/A | N/A |
500 (Internal Server Error) | Status of the HTTP API call and description of the status. Error is due to the Authorization Server unable to handle the request internally. | JSON | {"status":"error","description":"database error"} |
Access Token Endpoint
The access token endpoint is used by the client to request for access tokens. All clients have to be registered by using the Management API before the access token can be requested as all unregistered clients will not have their token request accepted. See the Client Registration section above for more information.
Every registered client will have a client_id and client_secret assigned by the Authorization Server and the access token can only be requested using this set of client credentials.
The access token can be requested using the Access Token URI that was configured using the access-token-uri parameter.
The client can request for the access token at the access token endpoint by following the steps below:
Setting the "client_id" and "client_secret" as username and password respectively in the HTTP Basic Authentication header.
Setting the "grant_type" parameter using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format in the HTTP request entity-body. The value MUST be set to "client_credentials".
In the case that the client doesn't support HTTP Basic Authentication, the "client_id" and "client_secret" can be set using the the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format in the HTTP request entity-body as well using the "client_id" and "client_secret" parameter names respectively.
The access token response will contain the following parameters to the entity-body of the HTTP response with a 200 (OK) status code:
entity-body | Description |
access_token | The access token issued by the Authorization Server |
token_type | The value will always be Bearer |
expires_in | The lifetime (in seconds) of the access token |
In the event of an error when requesting an access token, The Authorization Server will respond with an HTTP 400 (Bad Request) status code unless specified otherwise. The response will include the following parameters:
entity-body | Description |
error | A single ASCII [USASCII] error code from the following:
error_description | Human-readable ASCII [USASCII] text providing additional information, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error that occurred. |