Installing Web Desktop Server
Installing Web Desktop Server
If the web desktop was not install by default, you can enable it through the following steps. Skip this section if the web desktop has already installed.
You need to have the installation package in order to perform the installation below.
file under$MZ_HOME/etc
folder.cat > $MZ_HOME/etc/webdesktop.xml <<EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <configlist prompt="true"> <config name="wd1"> <startclass class="com.digitalroute.picostart.PicoStart"/> <jdkarg value="-server"/> <jdkarg value="-Xms64M"/> <jdkarg value="-Xmx128M"/> <classpath path="lib/picostart.jar"/> <property name="pico.bootstrapclass" value="com.digitalroute.mz.webdesktop.WebDesktopMain"/> <property name="pico.type" value="webdesktop"/> <property name="mz.webdesktop.http-port" value="9999"/> <property name="mz.webdesktop.http-local-port" value="9998"/> <property name="mz.webdesktop.jms-port" value="34455"/> </config> </configlist> EOF
Locate the web desktop installation mzp under
.$ cd <release_package>/release/packages $ ls web_desktop_<x.x.x.x>.mzp
Install the additional configuration required by web desktop.
$ java -jar web_desktop_<x.x.x.x>.mzp install
Check the pico status,
should be created.