Other User Interface Components

The DTK contains some useful components that may be utilized in the user interface classes. These classes include:

  • UDR selection

  • MIM selection

There are two components where UDR Types and UDR fields may be selected; DJUDRTypeSelector and DJUDRFieldSelector. They both operate in single or multiple selection mode. In single mode, only one UDR Type or UDR field may be selected, while in multiple mode several may be selected.

An instance of the DJUDRBrowser is used to select the UDR Types or UDR fields. In single mode, the browser will by default contain a Clear button, which will clear the selected value.

The selection components hold various get and set methods where UDR Types and fields may be set and obtained. Since the launched browser is specific for each selection component, it is advised to set a unique title by calling the method setUDRBrowserTitle and to use a combination of the agent name and the component name in the title.

MIM Selection

The DJMIMBrowser is a dialog where a MIM value may be selected. It has two corresponding selection components; DJMIMSelector and DJSingleMIMSelector, where one or multiple MIM values may be selected.