2.5 Activating a Specific Workflow

2.5 Activating a Specific Workflow

In this scenario, the user has modified a workflow in a passive space and wants to enable the modified workflow in the active space with minimal downtime. By default, when a spacecopy is executed, the activation mode of workflows and workflow groups in the active space remain the same. If the user wants to set the activation mode of a workflow when executing spacecopy, the spaceactivation command must be used.

  1. To display the current activation mode of the workflows in a passive space, the user runs spaceactivation <passive space name> -list command in a passive space, named staging:

    spaceactivation staging -list

    Space activation list in the user's passive space

    Name                   Type          Mode
    disk_coll.workflow_1   Workflow      DISABLE
    ecs.load.workflow_1    Workflow      DISABLE
  2. To set the modified workflow for space activation, and to enable it, the user runs spaceactivation <passive space name> -set <name of workflow or workflow group> ENABLE|DISABLE

    In this scenario, the user runs the following:

    spaceactivation staging -set ecs.reprocess.workflow_1 ENABLE 

    Space activation list after enabling a workflow for space activation

    Name                        Type        Mode
    disk.coll.workflow_1        Workflow    DISABLE
    ecs.load.workflow_1         Workflow    DISABLE
    ecs.reprocess.workflow_1    Workflow    ENABLE
  3. The workflows running in the active space, except workflows running on ECSA, need to be stopped and unprocessed data must be drained before the preprod space is copied to the active space.
  4. The user copies the contents of the passive space to the active space using the spacecopy command: spacecopy staging active. When the spacecopy is executed, the workflow that has been enabled in space activation runs automatically.

For further information on the spaceactivation command, see 3. Commands Configuration Spaces.