4. UDR Views

From the UDR View Editor, it is possible to define filters to control how UDR data is listed and presented in the UDR File Editor main window and the Aggregation Session Inspector.

UDR File Editor with no UDR View applied

Applying a view will add the fields of the view as columns. A UDR View does not have to be applicable on all UDR types within a displayed file. If a field does not exist for a particular UDR, no such field is displayed.

UDR File Editor with a UDR View

The UDR View Editor is found in the UDR File Editor, which is opened by clicking the Tools button in the upper left part of the  Desktop window, and then selecting UDR File Editor from the menu.

UDR View Editor 


UDR Type

A list from which a UDR type is selected

UDR Fields

Displays the selected fields that builds the view