2.4.2 Creating a Profile and Provisioning via the Web UI

The Web UI is accessed at http://<platform host>:<web interface port>/mz/. The default port is 9000. Click on the KPI Management section to open the profile and provisioning settings for the KPI Management Service Model.

Web UI - KPI Management Profile List section

Follow this procedure to create a KPI profile and provision a service model via the  Web UI:


Mandatory fields are marked with an *.

  1. Either click on the Create Profile button to create a new profile, or double click on an existing profile, if you want to modify the service model and profile settings for an existing profile. If there are many existing profiles, you can use the Search... field to easier find the one you are looking for.

    The profile and service model configurations open.

    Web UI - KPI Management Profile List section

  2. In the Profile folder drop-down, select the folder you want the profile to be created in, and enter the name of the profile in the Profile name field, or click on the Create Folder button if you want to create a new folder for your profile.

  3. Select the Aggregated Output check box if you want the KPI output for each dimension to be grouped into the same KPIAggregatedOutput UDR. If this check box is selected, you will have to state the windows size for all KPIs, since it has to be the same for all KPIs when enabled.

  4. Click on the plus sign after Dimension to expand this section.

    Web UI - KPI Management dimensions

  5. Click on the Create Dimension button to open the Create Dimension dialog.

    Creating a dimension

  6. Enter a name of your choice for the dimension in the Name field.

  7. Enter the name of the UDR type to be processed in the UDR Type Name field and the name of the mapping field within the UDR in the UDR Mapping Fields.

  8. Click on the plus sign and repeat the previous step for all UDR types and/or mapping fields you want to have in your dimension. 

  9. When you are finished, click OK to close and save your dimension.

  10. Continue and create all the dimensions you want to have in the same way.

  11. Click on the plus sign after Tree to expand this section, and click on the Edit button to start editing your tree.

    Web UI - KPI Management root elements

    The configured dimensions will be displayed to the right, and the left you will build up your tree.

  12. Click on the Add Root Element button to create the root element(s) you want to have.

  13. Drag the different dimensions into the root element(s) to create the tree structure(s) you want to have.

    Creating a tree

  14. Click on the Save button when you are done.

  15. Click on the plus sign after Metric to expand this section.

    Web UI - KPI Management metrics

  16. Click on the Create Metric button to open the Create Metric dialog.

    Creating a metric

  17. Enter a name of your choice for the metric in the Name field, and select a function in the Function drop-down-list, click on the plus sign for the Expression List and enter you expression, and click OK to save the metric. See 2.3.3 metric for information on how to write an expression

  18.  Repeat the previous step for all the metrics you want to create.

  19. If you want to create thresholds, click on the plus sign after Threshold to expand this section, otherwise skip to step 24.

    Web UI - KPI Management thresholds

  20. Click on the Create Threshold button to open the Create Threshold dialog.

    Creating thresholds

  21. Enter a name of your choice for the threshold in the Name field, and select the Order Descending check box if you want the thresholds to be evaluated in descending order.

  22. For each level, enter name of your choice for the level, an alarm description, and value. Click on the plus sign to add more levels, and when you are finished, click OK to save your threshold and close the dialog.

  23. Repeat the previous two steps for all the thresholds you want to create.

  24. Click on the plus sign after KPI to expand this section.

    Web UI - KPI Management KPIs

  25. Click on the Create KPI button to open the Create KPI dialog.

    Creating KPIs

  26. Enter a name of your choice in the Name field, select the node path in the Node Path drop-down-list, select the Immediate Alarm check box if you want an alarm to ge generated at first occurrence, select a metric in the Metric /KPI Expression drop-down-list, enter a time interval in seconds in the Window Size field, select an optional threshold in the Threshold drop-down-list and click OK to save your KPI.


    If you have selected Aggregated Output option, the window size has to be the same for all KPIs, and you will enter this at the top of the profile next to the Aggregated Output check box.

  27. Repeat the previous step for all the KPIs you want to create and click Save at the bottom of the profile and service model configuration page. The service model will be validated automatically.


If you want to view how your service model looks like in JSON format, you can click on the Show Json button at the top right of the profile and service model configuration page.

The profile and service model are now ready for deployment.