1.4.2 beginBatch and endBatch
1.4.2 beginBatch and endBatch
beginBatch and endBatch are applicable for batch workflows only.
The beginBatch
and endBatch
function blocks are executed at the beginning and end of each batch respectively. Rules are that the beginBatch block is called when a batch collection agent emits a Begin Batch call. This occurs either at file start, or when a hintEndBatch
call is received from any agent capable of utilizing APL code. See hintEndBatch in 29. Workflow Functions for more information.
The endBatch
block is called every time a batch collection agent emits an End Batch. This occurs either at file end, or when a hintEndBatch
call is received from any agent capable of utilizing APL code.
The udrRoute
function cannot be used in the beginBatch
and endBatch