8.3 Changing Platform Database

This section describes how to change the Platform database. The new database can be of the type Oracle, PostgreSQL or SAP HANA.


Changing the database will cause the stored data to be lost.

This includes:

  • System log messages
  • Duplicate Batch processing data
  • Archiving data
  • Error Correction System data
  • User Access data (deprecated and configurable with Platform property)
  • System Statistics
  • Alarm data
  • Group Server data
  • License data
  • Workflow transactions and workflow states

Migration of the data listed above is possible, however the method for this is outside the scope of this document.

Follow these steps to change the Platform database type to an Oracle, PostgreSQL or SAP HANA database.

  1. Create a properties file for the new database. This file contains the database related properties that are available when you install.

    $ mzsh mzadmin/<password> db-scripts create-properties \
    --properties-file <properties file>
  2. Update the properties that are applicable for the new database type. For further information about the properties in this file, see Properties for Oracle3.1.3.3 Properties for PostgreSQL or Properties for SAP HANA in the Installation Instructions

  3. Extract the database scripts that are required to create the new database.

    $ mzsh mzadmin/<password> db-scripts extract --output-directory <db script directory> \
    --properties-file <properties file>
  4. When the database and are not installed on the same machine (the database may be installed on any machine within the network), you need to transfer the  database definition files.

  5. Create the new database.

    For an Oracle database, follow the steps in 3.2.3 Oracle Database Creation in the Installation Instructions.

    For an Oracle database in Amazon Web Services, follow the steps in 3.2.4 Oracle Database Creation in Amazon Web Services in the Installation Instructions.

    For a PostgreSQL database , follow the steps in 3.4.3 PostgreSQL Database Creation in the Installation Instructions

    For a SAP HANA database, follow the steps in 3.5.3 SAP HANA Database Creation in the Installation Instructions.

  6. Disable all workflow groups from the Execution Manager in Desktop, or by entering an mzsh command, for example:

    $ mzsh mzadmin/<password> wfgroupdisable \*


    If you use the wfgroupdisable command, make sure that you enable all system tasks again when you are done.

  7. Stop all batch workflows and let them finish execution.

  8. Shut down all connected Desktops.

  9. If you want to see which Desktops that are connected, you can use the following command:

    $ mzsh mzadmin/<password> pico -view
  10. Set up the connection to the new database.

    For Oracle:

    $ cd ./scripts/system-configure
    $ ./oracle.sh

    For PostgreSQL:

    $ cd ./scripts/system-configure
    $ ./postgresql.sh

    For SAP HANA:

    $ cd ./scripts/system-configure
    $ ./saphana.sh

    When the saphana.sh script is launched without any parameters, it will return a list of expected parameters, an example command output is the following: 

    <host> <port> <username> <password> <dbname> <SAP HANA JDBC driver dir>

    The user needs to specify the mandatory parameters such as the SQL port where the tenant database is listening. The <dbname> field indicates the tenant name, while the <SAP HANA JDBC driver dir> is the name of the directory where the ngbc.jar file is stored. 

  11. Restart the platform. 

    $ mzsh restart platform
  12. Start all EC/ECSAs that were previously shut down.

    $ mzsh startup <ec names> <ecsa names>
  13. Enable the workflow groups.