2.2 Remote Access to Containers

Remote access to Execution Containers makes it possible to start and stop all pico instances from the Platform Container.

When you install a new Execution Container, remote access is enabled by default.

Follow the steps below to manually enable remote access:

  1. Login as mzadmin on the host where the Execution Container is installed.

  2. Make sure that that the SSH is installed on the container host and that the SSH daemon is enabled.

  3. Make sure that the container is registered in the STR:

    $ mzsh topo register
  4. Run mzsh topo setupremote.

    $ mzsh topo setupremote
  5. Validate the content of the container:

     $ mzsh topo get topo://container:<container>/obj:remote

    The following attributes and objects should be included:

    • java-home
    • ssh-address
    • ssh-hostkeys
    • ssh-port
    • ssh-username

For further information about the mzsh topo command, see 2.1.15 topo.