9.78.2 SQL Loader Agent Configuration

You open the SQL Loader agent configuration dialog from a workflow configuration: you can right-click the agent icon and select Configuration..., or double-click the agent icon.

The SQL Loader agent configuration dialog

The SQL Loader tab contains configurations related to the SQL query used for populating the database with data from external files, as well as error handling.

DatabaseProfile name of the database that the agent will connect to and forward data to. MySQL, Netezza, PostreSQL, SAP HANA, and SybaseIQ profiles are supported.
SQL Statement

In this field you enter the SQL statement to be used for stating where the files containing the data are located, into which table in the database the data should be inserted, as well as the formatting of the data.

See 9.78.5 SQL Statements for information about how to write the statements.

Abort if exceptionSelect this check box if you want the workflow to abort in case of an exception.