2.2.26 spaceactivation

2.2.26 spaceactivation

usage: spaceactivation <passive space name> [-list [-format data-only|full]] [-set <name of workflow or workflow group> <ENABLE|DISABLE>] 
[-unset <name of workflow or workflow group>]  [-setdefault <name of workflow or workflow group> <ENABLE|DISABLE>] 

This command allows you to enable or disable workflows and/or workflow groups for space activation in a passive space. When you then use the spacecopy command to copy your passive space to the active space, the workflows and/or workflow groups in space activation are run automatically. The spaceactivation command can only be used in passive spaces.  This allows you to control the activation mode of workflows and/or workflow groups when executing a spacecopy.

The command accepts the following options:

[-list [-format data only|full]]

This option displays all of the workflows and workflow groups in the passive space for space activation.

You can also select the format of the list between data only or full.

This option supports regular expression.

[-set <name of workflow or workflow group> <ENABLE|DISABLE>]

Use this option to set a workflow or workflow group for space activation, and select ENABLE or DISABLE. Using this option, adds the workflow or workflow group to the list for space activation.

This option supports regular expression.

[-unset <name of workflow or workflow group>]

Use this option to remove a workflow or workflow group from the space activation list.

This option supports regular expression.

[-setdefault <name of workflow or workflow group> <ENABLE|DISABLE>] 

Set the default activation mode for a new workflow or workflow group by selecting ENABLE or DISABLE.


To display which workflows and or workflow groups are in a space, use the wflist command. See 2.2.58 wflist.

Return Codes

Listed below are the different return codes for the spaceactivation command:



Will be returned if the command was successful. 


Will be returned when a general error occurs.


Will be returned if interactive mode has been enabled.


Will be returned if the parameters are incorrect. 


Will be returned if the source space does not exist.