9.32.1 FTP Collection Agent

The FTP collection agent collects files from a remote file system and inserts them into aĀ workflow, using the standard FTP (RFC 959) protocol.

When activated, the collector establishes an FTP session towards the remote host. On failure, additional hosts are tried if so configured. On success, the source directory on the remote host is scanned for all files matching the currentĀ FilenameĀ settings, which are located in theĀ SourceĀ tab. In addition, theĀ Filename SequenceĀ service may be used to further control the matching files. All files found will be fed one after the other into the workflow.

The agent also offers the possibility to decompress compressed (gzip) files after they have been collected, before they are inserted into the workflow. When all the files are successfully processed, the agent stops to await the next activation, scheduled or manually initiated.

The FTP collection agent supports IPv4 and IPv6 environments.

If you require to run the FTP collection agent in a real-time workflow, for further information, seeĀ 9.87 Batch-Based Real-Time Agents.