2.2 Install System Insight Manually

If you choose to install System Insight without the scripts provided, there are several steps that you must take. However, which steps you take depend on whether you use InfluxDB, CloudWatch and/or Grafana, or not.  Irrespective of which database or visualization tool you use, you must configure  to activate the system insight service on an SC as described in 2.2.1 Configure System Insight Services.

You have several options:

  1. If you choose to run your own instance of InfluxDB, see https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.2/.

  2. If you choose to run CloudWatch, see https://aws.amazon.com/documentation/cloudwatch/.

  3. If you choose to run your own instance of Grafana, see http://docs.grafana.org/.

  4. If you choose to use System Insight with the System Insight collection or forwarding agent, see 9.81 System Insight Agents, or save the data to file. See 2.2.2 Configure System Insight without InfluxDB Instances.