Kubernetes Cluster Add-ons - Private Cloud (4.3)

Kubernetes Cluster Add-ons - Private Cloud (4.3)

Kubernetes Add-ons



This is an optional add-on.

The Ingress NGINX Controller is an ingress controller for Kubernetes using NGINX as a reverse proxy and load balancer.

To install the Ingress NGINX Controller, follow these steps:

  1. Add the ingress-nginx helm repository by using the following command:

    helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
  2. Update the helm repository to get the latest software by using the following command:

    helm repo update
  3. Create a file called ingress-nginx-values.yaml and populate it with the following helm values:

    controller: scope: enabled: true admissionWebhooks: enabled: false metrics: enabled: false serviceMonitor: enabled: false ingressClassResource: name: nginx enabled: true default: false controllerValue: "k8s.io/ingress-nginx" watchIngressWithoutClass: false service: targetPorts: http: 80 https: 443 type: NodePort extraArgs: v: 1 serviceAccount: create: false
  4. Install the ingress-nginx-controller helm chart by using the following command:

    Where <helm chart version> is a compatible version listed in the Compatibility Matrix (4.3).

Running the helm list command will display all add-ons added in this section similar to below:

This section is now complete and you can proceed to the Usage Engine Private Edition Preparations - Private Cloud section.

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