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Code Block
usage: topo <subcommand> <options>



[-c, --container <container>]

Use this option to specify a different container than the local one, which is the default value.

[-g, --container-group <container group>]Use this option to setup remote access to a container in specific container group. This is useful when you have multiple containers with identical names in different containers groups.
[--host-key <path>]Use this option to use a pre-generated host key instead of the one that is generated when you run topo setupremote.
[--java-home <path>]Use this option when the target container is located on a different host. The default value is specified by the environment variable JAVA_HOME in the current shell.

By default, the topo setupremote command will obtain a public authorization key from the user home directory on the Platform Container host and store it in the STR, i e the file mz.conf. Use the option --no-authorized-key to skip this operation.


By default, the topo setupremote command will store the public host key of the Execution Container in the STR, i e the file mz.conf. Use the option --no-host-key to skip this operation.

[--no-ssh-details]Use this option to exclude ssh-username and ssh-address from STR. These attributes are required for remote access. If you use this option you will need to update the STR manually.
[--ssh-address <ip/host>]Use this option when the target container is located on a different host or when you want to bind to a specific IP address or hostname. The default value is specified by the address attribute for container in mz.conf.
[--ssh-port <port>]Use this option when you want to use a different port than 22 for SSH.  
[--ssh-username <username>]Use this option when the target container is located on a different host or when a specific username is required for SSH. The default SSH user is the OS user that runs the topo setupremote command.


  • jvm-args - Displays the JVM arguments that are used by the pico instances in the system. JVM arguments that are set in templates are included.
  • status - Displays the container name, pico name, pico type and running state.
  • status-sc - Displays similar view as  status but only includes SCs.
  • status-ec - Displays similar view as status but only includes ECs.
  • status-long - Displays similar view as status but also includes the status of replication between Platform Container and Execution Containers.
  • pico-view - Displays similar view as status but also includes memory usage and the pico response time.
  • pico-view2 - Displays similar view as pico-view but also includes uptime. 
  • ports - Displays the ports that are used by the pico instances in the system. Ports that are set in templates and on cell- and container level, are included. If both webserver and httpd ports are displayed, then webserver ports take precedence. 

titleExample - Views

Code Block
$ mzsh topo show jvm-args
| container | name     | config.jvmargs                      | 
| main1     | platform | args=[                              | 
|           |          |     "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M",    | 
|           |          |     "-Xms192M",                     | 
|           |          |     "-Xmx1024M"                     | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
| main1     | ec1      | args=[                              | 
|           |          |     "-server"                       | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | maxDirect=[                         | 
|           |          |     "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=4096M" | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | maxMetaspace=[                      | 
|           |          |     "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=196M"     | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | xms=[                               | 
|           |          |     "-Xms64M"                       | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | xmx=[                               | 
|           |          |     "-Xmx256M"                      | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
| main1     | psc1     | args=[                              | 
|           |          |     "-server"                       | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | maxDirect=[                         | 
|           |          |     "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=4096M" | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | maxMetaspace=[                      | 
|           |          |     "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=196M"     | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | xms=[                               | 
|           |          |     "-Xms64M"                       | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | xmx=[                               | 
|           |          |     "-Xmx256M"                      | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
| exec1     | ec2      | args=[                              | 
|           |          |     "-server"                       | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | maxDirect=[                         | 
|           |          |     "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=4096M" | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | maxMetaspace=[                      | 
|           |          |     "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=196M"     | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | xms=[                               | 
|           |          |     "-Xms64M"                       | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 
|           |          | xmx=[                               | 
|           |          |     "-Xmx256M"                      | 
|           |          | ]                                   | 

Code Block
$ mzsh topo show status
| container | name     | type     | state       | config-state | 
| main1     | platform | platform | running     | in-sync      | 
| main1     | ec1      | ec.      | not-started |              | 
| main1     | psc1     | sc       | not-started |              | 
| exec1     | ec2      | ec       | not-started |              | 

Code Block
$ mzsh topo show ports
| container | name     | type     | ports                                   | 
| main1     | platform | platform | "mz.pcc.restful.port"="9090"            | 
|           |          |          | "mz.servicehost.port.range"="5451-5500" | 
|           |          |          | "mz.wi.port"="9000"                     | 
|           |          |          | "pico.rcp.platform.port"="6790"         | 
|           |          |          | "pico.synchronizer.port"="6791"         | 
| main1     | ec1      | ec       | "ec.httpd.port"="9093"                  | 
|           |          |          | "pico.rcp.platform.port"="6790"         | 
|           |          |          | "pico.synchronizer.port"="6791"         | 
| main1     | psc1     | sc       | "mz.servicehost.port.range"="5801-5850" | 
|           |          |          | "pico.rcp.platform.port"="6790"         | 
|           |          |          | "pico.synchronizer.port"="6791"         | 
| exec1     | ec2      | ec       | "ec.httpd.port"="9090"                  | 
|           |          |          | "pico.rcp.platform.port"="6790"         | 
|           |          |          | "pico.synchronizer.port"="6791"         | 
