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The Amazon S3 Function allows data to be sent or received from/to Amazon S3 buckets. To use this Functionfunction, it is needed necessary to have prepared an Amazon S3 bucket in advance. 


For an example of how to create a stream that uses these two Functionsfunctions, take a look at Stream using Amazon S3 Functions - Acme EV.
To configure the Amazon S3 Functions, the following is required from your AWS account:

Access KeyThe identifier that is used to sign the requests sent to Amazon S3, is referenced by S3 as the Access Key ID. 
Secret KeyThe key is used in conjunction with the Access Key to cryptographically sign Amazon AWS requests. When you create the access key in Amazon S3, the secret key can be viewed and downloaded. This is referenced by S3 references this as the Secret Access Key.
BucketThe public cloud storage resource available in Amazon S3

The path to the folder you want to collect data from and push data to when using the Amazon S3 Functions

There are two types of Amazon S3 Functions available in Usage Engine:

  1. Amazon S3 Collectorcollector
  2. Amazon S3 Forwarderforwarder

Amazon S3 Collector 


  1. In AWS Credentials, specify the Access Key and the Secret Key. This information is available on your Amazon S3 account. You also have the option to use the Secrets Wallet option to enter the S3 account credentials. 
  2. In File location,specify the Bucket and the path to the folder in FolderAll files in the subfolder(s) will also be collected.


    If the path to the folder is not specified, the root folder of the Amazon S3 bucket is selected by default.

     Optionally, you can also choose to not include files from subfolders by checking the Do not include files from subfolders option. 

  3. In After Collection, you have the option to select a checkbox to Remove files from Amazon server after collection
  4. In File information, specify the selection criteria for your files. This includes File selection options and File format.

    File selection optionsDescription
    All files in folder

    This option collects all files in the specified folder. 

    Based on filenameThis option allows for the collection of file(s) based on specific file name(s), one or multiple files can be specified. 
    Based on regular expression

    This option allows for the collection of file(s) based on filename patterns provided by the user using regular expression.

    Based on list of files
    This option allows for the collection of the file(s) using a meta file containing the path to another file(s). If more than 1 meta-file is present, they will be processed at the same time. 

    The following formatting must be used for the meta file: 

    Mandatory meta file formatting 

    There are three mandatory prerequisites for this option: 

    • All meta-files (if more than one) to be stored in a single location/folder in S3.

    • The meta-file(s) must be in CSV format with a single header.

    • Manually remove the meta file if this type of collection is no longer used. 

    File format

    File formatDescription

    Collect files in CSV format. Select Include table header to include the table header in the collected file(s).
    Specify a Delimiter for the CSV file format. The default value is a comma. Other available options are
    Tab, Semicolon, Space, or Other. If the “Other” option is selected you can enter a custom delimiter in an input field box which will appear underneath. 


    Collect files in Excel format. The

    Select Include table header to include the table header in the collected file(s).


    Collect files in JSON format.

    XMLCollect files in XML format.


    During collection, the following applies:

    • Compressed files are automatically decompressed.
    • The type of archive file format is automatically identified based on the contents of the file instead of the file extension. The supported archive file formats are ZIP, gzip and zlib.

    For all supported archive file types, the following applies:

    • The archive must contain only a single file that is compressed.
    • The archive must not contain any directories.

    There are exceptions to the filename patterns when it comes to collector functions. 

    Insert excerpt
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  1. In Amazon Credentials, specify the Access Key and the Secret Key. This information is available on your Amazon S3 account. You also have the option to use the Secrets Wallet option to enter the S3 account credentials. 
  2. In File Location, specify the Bucket and the path to the folder in FolderThe folder path cannot begin or end with a ' / '.


    If the path to the folder is not specified, the root folder of the S3 bucket is selected by default.

  3. In Output file Information, specify how you want to handle the output file(s) in Filename options. You can select from the following options:

    Filename optionAction
    Collector filename

    Select Collector filename if you want to keep the same filename as your input file(s).

    If a collector does not have a filename, for example, Counter, the system generates a filename based on the function.

    Custom filenameSelect Custom filename to define a new filename for all the output files. If you require more flexibility in defining file names refer to Configuring Dynamic Naming in Fields.

  4. Select Append timestamp to append the timestamp to the name of the output file. For example, the output filename for a CSV file will look like <myfile>_<timestamp>.csv.


    If Append timestamp is not selected, the existing file at the destination can be overwritten by the output file.

  5. In File format, select the format of the output file(s) from the following options:

    File formatDescription

    Select to send the output file in CSV format. Select Include table header to include the table header in the output file(s).
    Specify a Delimiter for the CSV file format. The default value is ' , '.

    Compression can be toggled by enabling the Compress file option. A dropdown menu is used to select the format – Zip and GZIP are supported. 

    An additional option toggles the Bucket owner full control


    Select to send the output file in Excel format. You can also specify the Sheet name. The default sheet name is Sheet 1.

    Compression can be toggled by enabling the Compress file option. A dropdown menu is used to select the format – Zip and GZIP are supported. 

    An additional option toggles the Bucket owner full control


    Select to send the output file in the Buffer format. 

    If you are reading or processing files containing binary data (Buffer format), for example for performance or other reasons, you can write these files through the AWS S3 Forwarder.

    Compression can be toggled by enabling the Compress file option. A dropdown menu is used to select the format – Zip and GZIP are supported. 

    An additional option toggles the Bucket owner full control


    Select to send the output file in JSON format. Select the preferred output format, Action on records: one file with All in one array, one file with All in one array with key, or One file per record.


    If One file per record is selected, you must also select Append timestamp, otherwise, the files will be overwritten.

    Compression can be toggled by enabling the Compress file option. A dropdown menu is used to select the format – Zip and GZIP are supported. 

    An additional option toggles the Bucket owner full control

    JSON files can be formatted for easier reading by selecting the  Output file in pretty print option.

  6. To output JSON files in a more compact form, deselect the Output file in pretty print checkbox. By default, pretty print is on.


    Selecting pretty print increases the size of the output file.

  7. To compress the output file, select the Compress file checkbox and specify the Compression format. The supported formats are:
    • Zip
    • GZip
  8. You have the option to provide the S3 bucket owners full access to the object that are written by other S3 account holders. Select the checkbox, Bucket owner full control, to give this permission. To be able to do this Usage Engine uses an option called as Access Control List (ACL) and is enabled as ACL = bucket-owner-full-control.
