Legacy Desktop User Interface

The Desktop provides a convenient user interface, displaying configurations, tools, and inspectors, with different options available for the different views.

Desktop window

The Desktop window is organized into two main sections:

  • To the left you have the Standard Desktop Buttons, which allows you to expand lists of configurations, tools, and other options, see Standard Desktop Buttons and Options below for more information. 

  • The main view displays the selected tools and opened configurations in a tabbed arrangement.

Standard Desktop Buttons and Options

The Desktop user interface includes the following standard features:





Desktop Buttons

 Browser - Click this button to open the Browser. Here you can see all available configurations and their properties.

 Configuration - Click this button to open a list of available configuration types to create a new configuration.

 Inspection - Click this button to open a list of available inspectors, see Inspection for more information.

 Tools - Click this button to open a list of available tools, see Tools & Monitoring for more information.

 Open Tabs - Click this button to open a list of all open tabs, which may be useful if you have many tabs open.

 Change Password - Click this button to open the Change Password dialog where you can change your user password.

 Documentation - Click this button to open the user documentation.

 Status - Click this button to open a list of status messages along with version information.

 Exit - Click this button to exit the Legacy Desktop.

Tab Right-Click Menu

There are different closing options available when right-clicking a tab.


The tab right-click menu

Close - Select this option to close the selected tab.

Close Other - Select this option to close all other tabs in the Desktop window.

Close All - Select this option to close all tabs in the Desktop window.

Tab Button Panel

The button panel is visible at the top of a tab. It is dynamic and changes according to the type of Configuration, Inspector, or Tool that is opened in the currently displayed tab. For a description of the specific buttons, refer to Build View, Inspection, and Tools & Monitoring.

The following figure shows the button panel visible for a workflow configuration.

The tab button panel for a workflow configuration


Configurations and tools are opened in separate tabs, in the right part of the Desktop window. However, dialogs that are opened from right-click menu options, e.g. the MIM Browser or UDR Browser, are opened in a dialog box and not in another tab.

Click the Open Tabs button to display a list with all the currently opened tabs.

Open Tabs List dialog

When exiting the Desktop, all tabs are closed, and they are not restored the next time you log in unless you have set the property mz.gui.restart.tabs to true. See Desktop Properties for more information.

To reorder the tabs, click a tab and drag it to a different position along the top of the window.

To move a tab to a separate Desktop window, click and drag it outside the current window. This can be useful when running and analyzing several workflows in the Workflow Monitor, to be able to view the monitors side by side. If there is only one tab open in the Desktop and the tab is moved to a separate window, the original Desktop window will be closed. A Tool, Inspector, or Configuration can only be open in one tab at a time.

It is possible to move tabs between several Desktop windows.

Browser View

The Browser displays a list of all configurations and makes it possible to easily navigate between them.

In the Browser you also filter what configurations are shown, by selecting entries of a specific type. You also have the option to display configurations with folders and subfolders.

The Browser supports a set of operations that can be performed on the configurations by using the right-click menu. Each configuration has Properties where permissions are set and where you can view history, references, and other basic information. Refer to Properties in Configuration Browser for more information.





To open the Browser, click the Browser button in the upper left part of the interface.

The Browser View

In the Browser there are two pre-existing folders:

  • Default - This folder is where all configurations are stored if no other folder is specified.

  • SystemTask - This folder contains workflows for performing different background routines. For further information, refer to System Task Workflows in Workflow Types.


The Default and SystemTask folders cannot be renamed or deleted.


It is possible to arrange your configurations in a structure with subfolders.

Subfolder structure

To enable this functionality you need to set the property platform mz.subfolder.enabled to true, and restart the Platform and any Legacy Desktop clients.

When enabled, you can create a subfolder by using an underscore in the folder name when creating a new folder.

Creating a subfolder

If you want to use another character to define subfolders than underscore, you can use the property mz.subfolder.separator to define another separator. See  for more information.


Subfolders are only available in Legacy Desktop.

Right-Click Menu

In this section, the different options available in the right-click menu of the Browser View are described. Note that some of the options have keyboard shortcuts - these are listed in grey color according to the used operating system. 

Right-click a configuration and select one of the following options:





Column View

Enables you to switch between Compact or Details viewing modes. When the Details mode is selected, additional information is shown about each item: the granted permissions, Owner, Modified By, and the Modification Date.  


Select this option to refresh the selected folder, subfolder, or configuration. 


Select this option to expand the selected folder or subfolder to display all the subfolders and configurations that it contains.


Select this option to collapse the selected folder or subfolder to not display all the subfolders or configurations.

New Configuration

Select this option to create a new profile based on the menu list. 

New Folder...

Select this option to create a new folder.

Open Configuration(s)...

Available when at least one configuration is selected.

Select this option to open the selected configuration(s).

Export Configuration(s)

Available when at least one configuration is selected.

Select this option to export the selected configurations. The System Exporter dialog opens with the configuration(s) pre-selected.


When exporting from the Configuration Navigator, configuration dependencies are not automatically selected. This can be achieved by selecting the Select Dependencies checkbox in the System Exporter dialog. For further information see System Exporter.



Downloads the selected configuration. 


Select this option to put one or more configurations on the clipboard to move the configuration to another location. Select the menu option Paste in the folder where the configurations should be stored.

This option is not applicable if the configuration is locked. For further information see Locks in Administration and Management in Legacy Desktop.


Select this option to put one or more configurations on the clipboard to copy the configurations to another location. Select the menu option Paste in the folder where the copied configurations should be stored.


Select this option to store configurations that have been cut or copied to the clipboard in the selected folder.


Select this option to delete the selected configuration(s). If the configuration is referenced by another configuration, a warning message is displayed, informing you that you cannot remove the configuration. For further information see The References Tab in 6.2 Configuration Browser.

You can force the deletion of a folder and all the configurations that it contains. A message is displayed asking if you are sure that you want to continue, in order to avoid deletion by mistake. Note that there is no restore option for this function. All the configurations are permanently removed.


Select this option to change the name of the selected configuration. Take particular care when renaming a configuration. If, for example, an APL script is renamed, workflows that are using this script will become invalid. This is important to know when you rename folders that contain many ultra format configurations or APL configurations. Renaming a folder with ultra formats or APL configurations will make all referring configurations invalid.


Select this option to encrypt the selected configurations.


Select this option to decrypt the selected configurations.


Select this option to validate the configuration. A validation message is shown to the user.

Show Properties

Select this option to launch the Properties dialog for the selected configuration. For further information, see the Properties section below.


Select this option to launch the Documentation dialog for the selected configuration. For further information, see the Documentation section below.


To open the Properties dialog, right-click a configuration and select Show Properties.

The Properties dialog box

This dialog contains four different tabs: Basic, which contains basic information about the configuration, Permission, where you set permissions for different users, References, where you can see which other configurations that are referenced by the selected configuration, or that refers to the selected configuration, and History which displays the revision history for the configuration. The Basic tab is displayed by default.

The Basic Tab

The Basic tab is the default tab in the Properties dialog and contains the following information:

Configuration Information


Configuration Information



Displays the name of the configuration.


Displays the configuration type.


Displays the internal key used by MediationZone to identify the configuration.


Displays the name of the folder in which the configuration is located.


Displays the version number of the configuration, see the History tab for further information about the different versions.


Displays the permissions granted to the current user of the configuration. Permissions are shown as R (Read), W (Write), and X (eXecute). If the configuration is encrypted, an E is shown. For further information about permissions, see The Permissions Tab in Configuration Browser.


Displays the username of the user that created the configuration. The owner can:

  • Read, modify (write), and execute the configuration.

  • Modify the permissions of user groups to read, modify, and execute the configuration.

Modified by

Displays the username of the user that made the last modifications to the configuration.


Displays the date when the configuration was last modified.

If you want to use the information somewhere else you can highlight the information and press CTRL-C to copy the information to the clipboard.

The Permissions Tab

The Permissions tab contains settings for what different user groups are allowed to do with the configuration:

The Permissions tab

As access permissions are assigned to user groups, and not individual users, it is important to make sure that the users are included in the correct user groups to allow access to different configurations.





Permission Description





Permission Description





Allowed only to view the Configuration, given that the user is granted access to the application.





Allowed to edit and delete the Configuration.





Allowed only to execute the Configuration.





Allowed to view, edit, and delete the Configuration, given that the user is granted access to the application.





Allowed to edit, delete, and execute the Configuration.





Allowed to view and execute the Configuration, given that the user is granted access to the application.





Full access.






The References Tab

The References tab contains information about which other configurations the current configuration refers to, and which other configurations the current configuration is referenced by:

The References tab

The References tab contains two sub-tabs: Used By, which displays all the configurations that use the current configuration, and Uses, which displays all the configurations that the current configuration uses.

To edit any of the configurations, double-click the configuration to open it for editing.

The History Tab

The History tab contains version information for the configuration:

The History tab

In the version table, the following columns are included:






Displays the version number.

Modified Date

Displays the date and time when the version was saved.

Modified By

Displays the user name of the user that saved the version.


Displays any comments for the version.

If you want to clear the Configuration history, click the Clear Configuration History button. The version number is not affected by this.


To open the Documentation dialog, right-click a configuration and select Documentation.

The Documentation dialog

In this dialog, you can provide information on the selected configuration, for example, a description and the purpose of the configuration. You can use markdown syntax if preferred. The text entered is then included in the automated documentation that you can generate using the Documentation Generator tool. When you have completed the text, click OK to save. For further information, see Documentation Generator.

Global Search

Click the Search button to be able to make free text searches. Two options are shown at the top of the list. 






Select to filter for entries that match the entered string.


Select to find individual entries that match the entered string. Press Find Next to go to each individual entry in turn. 

You can disable the search functionality by setting the cell property mz.use.search to false. This decreases the startup time of the Platform by approximately 10%.

Each entry in the search result contains a path to the configuration and a fragment of its settings or code. Double-click an entry to open the corresponding configuration. 

To view a fragment or open a configuration, you must have the required read access permissions.

Search field

A search query may contain single-word or phrase terms that correspond to code, free text values, or configuration names. These terms are not case sensitive but exact matches are required, unless you are using wildcards. 

To search for a phrase you must use quotation marks e.g. "int myVar". 

By default, queries return all configurations that contain any of the search terms. You can use boolean operators, i.e. + or -, to further refine the search results. For instance, the query +tcp_ip +3210 only returns configurations that contain both tcp_ip and 3210.

The table below describes symbols that you can use to perform complex queries.






Use this symbol before terms that must be included in the configurations you are searching for.


Use this symbol before terms that must not be included in the configurations you are searching for.


Use the this symbol in a term to perform a single character wildcard search.

You cannot use wildcard symbols within phrase queries.

You cannot use a wildcard symbol as the first character in a term.


Use the this symbol in a term to perform a multiple character wildcard search.

You cannot use wildcard symbols within phrase queries.

You cannot use a wildcard symbol as the first character in a term.


You can change the relevance level of matching configurations based on the terms found.  Use the ^ (caret) symbol with a factor value at the end of a term to boost it. The higher the boost factor, the more relevant the term will be.


Use this symbol at the end of the terms to perform a fuzzy search. For instance, to search for a term similar in spelling to "roam", use roam~. This search will 
find terms like foam and roams.

You cannot use fuzzy search in phrase queries.


You can search for terms that are within a specific distance from another term. To perform this type of search, use the ~ (tilde) symbol with a proximity value that denotes the row distance.