New Features and Enhancements
In this section, you can see information about the new features and functionality in this release.
- 1 New Features
- 1.1 New Connectors
- 1.1.1 New Kafka Agents
- 1.1.2 Amazon S3 Agents in Real-Time Workflows
- 1.1.3 Amazon SQS Agents
- 1.1.4 APN Processing Agent
- 1.1.5 SAP CC REST Agent
- 1.2 MariaDB
- 1.3 Usability
- 1.4 Integration and Security
- 1.4.1 User Security Improvements
- 1.4.2 SAP CTS+ Integration
- 1.5 Google Secret Manager
- 1.6 Reference Data Management Supports SAP HANA
- 1.7 System Statistics
- 1.1 New Connectors
- 2 Enhancements
- 2.1 followRedirects Field for RequestCycle UDR in HTTP/2 Agents
- 2.2 HTTP/2 Client Agent Support Additional OAuth Settings
- 2.3 Operations REST Interface for Host and Pico
- 2.4 SAP RFC Processor Agent Supports Execution Time Threshold Configuration
- 2.5 Configurable Maximum Response Size for HTTP/2 Client
- 2.6 Data Type Conversion Property for SAP JCo ABAP Type P
New Features
The following new functionality has been added in this release:
New Connectors
New Kafka Agents
Ref: XE-14033
A completely new set of Kafka agents has been designed, which will replace the previous Kafka agents in a later release. The main differences are that the new agents:
Include a batch forwarding agent.
Store transactions in the Kafka cluster (transactions are only tracked for batch workflows).
Store offset in the Kafka cluster only.
Enables one consumer to collect from several topics, and one producer to forward to several topics.
Include automatic rebalancing for the collection of messages and several workflows can collect messages in parallel from the same topics
will keep batch collection workflows in a running state, even when all data has been collected.
Use only two UDR types:
For more information, see New Kafka Agents.
Amazon S3 Agents in Real-Time Workflows
Ref: XE-13151, XE-13152
The Amazon S3 collection and forwarding agents can be used for collecting and forwarding files from and to specified buckets and regions in Amazon and they are now also available for real-time workflows. For more information, see Amazon S3 Agents.
Amazon SQS Agents
Ref: XE-13403
The Amazon SQS Agents act as consumers (collection agents) and producers (forwarding agents) of messages in Amazon Simple Queue Service, which is a fully managed message queueing service. Both standard and FIFO queueing are supported, see SQS Agents for more information.
APN Processing Agent
Ref: XE-14066
The APN processing agent is now available for real-time workflows. It enables push notifications to be sent to mobile devices using Apple certificates.
The APN processing agent includes two distinct UDRs: one for pushing notifications and another for reporting results.
For more information, see APN Agent.
Ref: XE-11292
SAP CC REST agent allows you to connect and send charging requests to SAP Convergent Charging on SAP Cloud (RISE). The agent will use API to communicate with the SAP CC server, sending HTTP requests and receiving HTTP responses in return.
SAP CC REST agent has its own UDRs separate from other SAP CC agents and it is generated based on YAML files of the REST API version used by the SAP CC server.
For more information, see SAP CC REST Agent.
Supported Agents for MariaDB
Ref: XE-13414
MariaDB can now be used with the SQL Collection and Forwarding agents, the SQL Loader agent, and the Task Workflow SQL agent. For more information, see MariaDB.
Additional APL Functions and Event Notifications Support MariaDB
Ref: XE-13415
You can now select MariaDB when configuring to run the Callable Statements, Database Bulk Lookup Functions, Database Table Related Functions, Event Notifications, and Prepared Statements. For more information, see MariaDB.
Desktop Search
Ref: XE-13735
You can now search for configurations, APL codes, and Ultra formats using the search bar at the top of the Desktop. You can even use the search bar to create new configurations or to search for tools and Data Management applications. For more information, see Search.
Log Filter
Ref: XE-12917
You can now update the logging settings for picos dynamically, either in the Log Filter in Desktop Online or using mzsh. You can update log level, select to include stacktrace or not, perform logging for a selected package or class, add logging to an additional file and reset to default settings.
For more information, see Log Filter and logger.
Support for “wfexport” and “wfimport” mzsh Commands
Ref: XE-13234
The wfexport
command generates a file (CSV, TSV, or SSV) containing data from the Workflow Table. This file includes a header row listing the names of the Workflow Table columns.
The wfimport
command updates the specified workflow configuration by importing workflows defined in the export file. For more information, see wfexport and wfimport.
MZSH Command For Shutting Down Desktop and Legacy Desktop
Ref: XE-11515
With the, mzsh desktopadmin
command you can shut down all Deskops and Legacy Desktops connected to the Platform, see desktopadmin.
Integration and Security
User Security Improvements
Ref: XE-12201
Enhanced user security is now enabled by default upon installation of the Platform. The property
is now set to true
in the platform.conf file.
Furthermore, the enhanced user security property
has been removed. With the property removed, by default, any users registered into the system will now be prompted to change their password on their first login.
For more information, see Enhanced User Security.
SAP CTS+ Integration
Ref: XE-13755
SAP CTS+ (Change and Transport System) can now be integrated with MediationZone. It enables you to manage and transport configurations across different environments with greater flexibility and control. For more information see, SAP CTS+ Integration User's Guide.
Google Secret Manager
Ref: XE-14275
You can use the Google Secret Manager profile to setup up access credentials and properties for connecting to a Google Secret Manager environment. For more information, see Google Secret Manager Profile.
Reference Data Management Supports SAP HANA
Ref: XE-13153
The Reference Data profile allows you to select which tables are available for querying and editing through the Reference Data Management dashboard via the RESTful interface. You can now select SAP Hana in the Reference Data profile configuration. For more information, see Reference Data Profile.
System Statistics
Ref: XE-13313
System Statistics can now be viewed from the Desktop. You can access the System Statistics from the Tools and Monitoring section of the Manage View.
For more information, see System Statistics.
followRedirects Field for RequestCycle UDR in HTTP/2 Agents
Ref: XE-14079
To accommodate scenarios where a cookie may be included in the 3xx response message, the followRedirects
field is introduced in the HTTP/2 RequestCycle
UDR to disable automatic redirection if necessary. For more information, see HTTP/2 UDRs.
HTTP/2 Client Agent Support Additional OAuth Settings
Ref: XE-14080
The following fields have been added to OAuth 2.0 authentication type in HTTP/2 Client agent - Authentication tab:
Client Auth Type: Added options for
Base URL: This field is added to manage base URL settings
For more information, see HTTP/2 Client Agent Configuration.
Operations REST Interface for Host and Pico
Ref: XE-13029
The Operations REST API is now available for host and pico. Users can access http(s)://<platform server>:<platform port>/ops/mz/host/v1/api-docs
for host and http(s)://<platform server>:<platform port>/ops/mz/pico/v1/api-docs
for pico on any given running system Platform.
For more information, see
SAP RFC Processor Agent Supports Execution Time Threshold Configuration
Ref: XE-14268
Two additional options; the Enable Logging for Execution Exceeding Time Threshold checkbox and Execution Threshold Time (min) field are added to the SAP RFC Processor agent configuration to allow users to configure the execution time threshold.
When an RFC Function takes too long, any attempt to abort the workflow will be logged in the System Log.
See for more information.
Configurable Maximum Response Size for HTTP/2 Client
Ref: XE-13740
Users can now set a maximum size limit for responses received by the HTTP/2 Client. To configure the maximum response size, use the Max Response Content Length field introduced in the Client tab of HTTP/2 Client agent configuration.
See HTTP/2 Client Agent Configuration for more information.
Data Type Conversion Property for SAP JCo ABAP Type P
Ref: XE-14878
A new property is introduced to define the data type used for converting values when mapping to SAP JCo ABAP Type P (Binary Coded Decimal). The saprfc.bcd.double
property provides flexibility to users in handling data types.
See Execution Container Properties for more information.