New Features and Functionality (2.1)

In this section you can see information about the new features and functionality in this release.

GCP Storage Profile and Agents

Issue number(s): XE-6059

To be able to integrate with Google Cloud Storage a new profile called GCP Profile along with new GCP Storage agents, GCP Storage Collector and GCP Storage Forwarder, have now been made available.


See GCP Profile and GCP Storage Agents for more information.

GCP BigQuery Forwarding Agent For Batch Workflows

Issue number(s): XE-4452

There is now a GCP BigQuery agent for Batch workflows.

The GCP BigQuery agent is a Batch forwarding agent that inserts UDR data into the GCP BigQuery service. Using the GCP profile to connect to the GCP Project with the BigQuery service.

GCP BigQuery Agent Configuration - Target tab

The BigQuery agents uses the GCP profile to connect to the GCP Project.

GCP Profile

See /wiki/spaces/UEPED2/pages/2238168 for more information

Netty Upgrade

Issue number(s): XE-4986

Netty version 4 is supported for the TCP/IP Forwarding Agent and the Workflow Bridge Agents from 2.1.0. To use Netty 4, set the Transport field to TCP(netty4) in the Workflow Bridge Profile Configuration General Tab. Netty 3 is deprecated for the TCP/IP Forwarding Agent from 2.1.0.

For more information, refer to /wiki/spaces/UEPED2/pages/2224186 and /wiki/spaces/UEPED2/pages/2219071.

Support for Cluster Multi Tenancy

Issue number(s): XE-3934

Multiple Usage Engine installations can now be done in the same Kubernetes cluster. Typically, this is used to accommodate separate production, test and development instances. Also, you typically want the freedom of using more recent versions for development and test than what you currently have in production.

See /wiki/spaces/UEPED2/pages/2177348 for more information.

Email Batch Collector Agent

Issue number(s): XE-5834

A collection agent for batch workflow configurations is now available.

The Email Agent is can connect to an existing email server using either the IMAP or POP3 protocols and fetch emails from them.

This agent implements Jakarta Mail.

Workflow with Email agent

Batch model is used.

To make sure that every email gets handled according to the rules set in the configuration we treat each email as a batch. Meaning if the mail folder you read emails from contain 30 emails you will process, it will be split into 30 batches.

To manage resources better the agent splits a large amount of messages into batches internally. Instead of lazy loading each message during processing, which would mean more than one transaction to the email server per message, the agent fetches all content for the specified number of emails at a time and then processes them. 

See /wiki/spaces/UEPED2/pages/2177105 for more information.

Automated Documentation of Configurations

Issue number(s): XE-3081

A new tool to generate documentation on your configurations is now available on the MediationZone Desktop. From the Desktop you can select the option to document a configuration that you have created. Using the documentation generator tool, you can then automatically generate up-to-date documentation of the configuration which includes information such as a description of the configuration, its functions, uses and access rights.

See /wiki/spaces/UEPED2/pages/2177554 for more information.