MQTT UDRs(4.1)

The MQTT agent generates Error, PublishAck and SubscribeResponse while it receives Publish, Subscribe and Unsubscribe.

Error UDRs

The following fields are included in the Error UDRs:

affectedUDR (DRUDR)This field stores the unprocessed UDR in case of an error in processing by the MQTT agent.
message (string)
This field contains the error message from the MQTT agent.
OriginalData (bytearray)This field contains the original data in bytearray format.

PublishAck UDRs

The following fields are included in the PublishAck UDRs:

broker (string)
This field contains the broker connection details in the following format: tcp://<ip address/hostname>:<port>
complete (boolean)
This field contains a value from the broker that indicates if the topic has been completely published.
messageID (int)
This field contains the identifier for the message.
topics (list<string>)
This field contains the list of subscribed topics for this particular broker.
OriginalData (bytearray)
This field contains the original data in bytearray format.

SubscribeResponse UDRs

The following fields are included in the SubscribeResponse UDRs:

broker (string)This field contains the broker connection details in the following format: tcp://<ip address/hostname>:<port>
data (bytearray)This field contains the data sent by the MQTT broker in bytearray format.
id (int)This field contains the identifier for the message.
qos (int)This field indicates the QoS value for this particular message.
topic (string)This field indicates the MQTT topic for this particular message
OriginalData (bytearray)
This field contains the original data in bytearray format.

Publish UDRs

The following fields are included in the Publish UDRs:

data (bytearray)
This field contains the data sent to the MQTT broker in bytearray format.
messageID (int)
This field contains the identifier for the message.
qos (int)
This field indicates the QoS value for this particular message.
retain (boolean)
This field indicates if retain is set to true or false.
topic (string)
This field indicates the MQTT topic for this particular message
OriginalData (bytearray)
This field contains the original data in bytearray format.

Subscribe UDRs

The following fields are included in the Subscribe UDRs:

qos (list<int>)
This field contains a list of QoS values for the topics in the UDR.
topics (list<string>)
This field contains a list of topics for the UDR
OriginalData (bytearray)
This field contains the original data in bytearray format.

Unsubscribe UDRs

The following fields are included in the Unsubscribe UDRs:

topics (list<string>)
This field contains a list of topics for the UDR
OriginalData (bytearray)
This field contains the original data in bytearray format.