Merge Files Collection Agent Overview(4.0)

The Merge Files collection agent collects several files as part of the same batch (as opposed to, for example, the Disk Agent which collets one file at a time) from a local file system and inserts them into a workflow. Initially, the agent scans the base directory for all sub directories matching the Sub Directory regular expression. The agent collects the files matching the files' regular expression. In addition, the Sort Order may be used to sort the matched files in a per sub directory basis. The files found are then inserted into a CollectedFileUDR and routed into the workflow.

When a file has been successfully processed, the agent offers the possibility of moving, renaming, removing, or ignoring the original file. The agent can also be configured to keep files for a set number of days. When all files are collected and successfully processed, the agent stops and awaits the next activation, scheduled or manually initiated.

When the Force Single UDR checkbox in the Merge Files tab is selected, the agent tries to read the complete file into one UDR. The agent is, however, only able to handle files with a file size that is smaller than Integer.MAX_VALUE. While reading a file, if an exception such as OutOfMemoryError or ArrayIndexOutOfBounds occurs, the workflow aborts and a message is logged indicating the name of the file that caused the exception. For information about the Integer.MAX_VALUE type see the Java documentation.