Editing a User Account(3.0)

Editing a User Account(3.0)

To edit the user account, click on the user card in the User Management dashboard. This will display the existing user account page where you can change the details in the User Settings tab and preview the permission in Group Privilege tab.


Edit a User - Settings Tab

If you have added or removed any Member Groups or made changes to the Default Group in the User Settings tab, you must click the Update button in order to view the latest permission in this tab.

Edit a User - Group Privilege Tab


For "mzadmin" and "mzk8soperator" system users, you are not allowed to edit fields such as Full Name, Email, Member group, Default group and Valid Period.

You are only allowed to add them to more Member Groups and change new password.


Edit a User - mzadmin


If you are assigned the Execute permission only in Access Controller, all the fields are disabled for editing.


Edit a User - User with Execute permission only

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