Starting the Web Desktop Server(3.1)

Starting the Web Desktop Server(3.1)

When  is installed with Helm it will also install a Kubernetes deployment. This is the Web Desktop Server. While it is a deployment is not possible to scale it upwards, so if you want to allow more client to connect you have to modify the webdesktop-configmaps.yaml file and add/edit the properties in the webdesktop.xml part of the file.

If you have a wd deployment running but want to disable it you can set the replica count to 0.

Example - Scale wd deployment to 0

kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/wd

To connect to the Web Desktop, go to http(s)://<cluster node>:<NodePort>/auth, entering your cluster node and the NodePort. Use the NodePort number substitute for 9999.

Example - The Web Desktop URL

$ kubectl get services
wd                  NodePort    <ip>    <none>     9999:31400/TCP         154m

Then use the following port:

Custom Settings

To start the Web Desktop Server with custom settings you may modify the properties file.

Note - Containerized Solutions

All but one File Setting should be done in the extraProps part of the values.yaml file. The exception is mz.webdesktop.http-port that is set in the webdesktop-configmaps.yaml file.

File SettingEnvironment VariableDescription



Default value: 9999

The port where you want to access the Web Desktop.



Default value:

The host where you want to access the Web Desktop.



The number of clients that are permitted.



Default value: 1024

The total amount of memory permitted in MB for all of the connected clients. You allocate the amount of memory per client in the memory-options setting.



This setting determines if a Memory dropdown is provided in the Desktop login dialog where you can select the amount of memory permitted for the current client. If you set the value to false, the Memory field is not visible and a default value of 256 MB is used for each connected client. If you want to set another value, you can configure a single value in the memory-options setting and this value will be used.



Default value: 256, 512, 1024

The memory options available for selection for the current client in MB.

If you want to set the memory to the same value for each client, enter a single value. If you then set the value for memory-selection to true, only this value is displayed in the Memory dropdown. If it is set to false, the Memory field is not visible.

If a value exceeds the total-memory setting, it will be excluded from the Memory dropdown.


Bear in mind that the number of clients permitted and the amount of memory permitted per client must be within the total memory that you set. For example, the default value of 1024 MB would allow 4 clients using 256 MB to be connected simultaneously, or 1 client with 512 MB and 2 clients with 256 MB.