Creating Service Configurations

Run the following command to create a new service configuration.
$ mzsh topo set services:custom/obj:<service_name>.<instance> <conf>

The <config> argument may contain a key-value pair that specifies a template or a service configuration in HOCON format.

Example - Creating a new pico configuration based on a template

$ mzsh topo set topo://services:custom/obj:example.example1 template: "1/standard/basic"

Example - Creating service configuration in HOCON format

$ mzsh topo set topo://services:custom/obj:example.example1 '{ template: "1/standard/basic" [sc1, sc2] }'

Updating Service Configurations

Run the following command to add or update an attribute of a service configuration.
$ mzsh topo set topo://services:custom/val:<attribute> <value>

Example - Updating a service attribute

$ mzsh topo set topo://services:custom/ '[sc1, sc3]'

Removing Service Configurations

Run the following command to remove a service.
$ mzsh topo unset topo://services:custom/obj:<service>

Viewing Service Configurations

Run the following command to view one or more service configurations.

mzsh topo get <path>