This appendix describes how to install Couchbase, which you may use as storage for Aggregation, Distributed Storage, and PCC.
supports the Enterprise Edition of Couchbase 4.6, 5.x, 6.x and 7.0.0. This includes maintenance releases. Note! In order for to communicate with the Couchbase database, the When the Click on Install Instructions to view information on how to install Couchbase. Note! It is important that you perform the steps that are specific to your operating system. For instance, when you install Couchbase on an operating system that is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Transparent Huge Pages (THP) should be disabled on all server nodes. Note! Couchbase services required by are: These links refer to the current Couchbase version (6.6 as of this writing). If you install a different version, refer to for the corresponding documentation version. In the Couchbase documentation, review the subtopics under Deployment Considerations in Administration. Note! For the optimal Couchbase Server operations, you must set swappiness to 0 (zero) as described in the topic about swap space.couchbase.mzp
package must be included in your installation.couchbase.mzp
package is installed in, the Couchbase database can be installed by following these steps:
The Couchbase Web Administration interface opens.
The Coucbhase Web Administration interface
The Couchbase Dashboard
Couchbase Dashboard showing the Rebalance button
You can now proceed with either creating data buckets in the Couchbase cluster by using the Couchbase profile in either in combination with Distributed Storage, or with PCC. Couchbase data buckets can be created either directly in the Couchbase Web Console, or by using Couchbase profiles, in. See the Desktop User's Guide for further information about how to create buckets with Couchbase profiles.