The HTTP Client forwarder function forwards data to a third-party HTTP server. You can configure this function to set the values for how the HTTP Client function would behave when communication with the third-party HTTP server, and how to specify the method of communication.
You can configure this function in the following settings.
Operational settings
General settings
Depending on your configuration, three authentication methods are available: None, Basic authentication and OAuth 2.0.
When you select an Authentication type, there will be separate configuration options for the selected authentication type.
Operational settings
In Operational settings, enter the following details that determine how you want the function to behave.
In Maximum number of parallel requests, specify the maximum number of parallel requests that can be handled simultaneously.
In Action on error, specify the action you want to take in case of an error. You can select from the following options:
Any response with the HTTP status code 4xx or 5xx is considered an error. All errors get logged in the system logs. See Logs for more information.
The default value is Ignore.
General settings
In General settings, you select an HTTP request method from the following options:
*The Body and Form fields are visible only for the POST, PUT and PATCH request methods. See Contents for more information.
You can select a combination of the following options to be included: