Versions Compared


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To shut down executionworkflow groups, workflows and Desktops:

  1.  Disable all Workflow Groups, from the Execution Manager in Desktop, see Execution Manager, or by entering an mzsh command, for examplethe following command:

    Code Block
    $ mzsh mzadmin/<password> wfgroupdisable \*
    If you use the wfgroupdisable command, make sure that you enable all system tasks again when you are done. 

  2. Stop all workflows that are not disconnected and let them finish execution.

  3. Ensure that all users shut down all connected Desktops.
    If you want to see which Desktops that are connected, you can use the following command:

    Code Block
    $ mzsh mzadmin/<password> pico -view
    This command will also display other pico instances, such as Execution Contexts.

    Shut down all ECs.

    Code Block
     $ mzsh shutdown <ec name> 
Html bobswift
<!-- This step is not required when upgrading from 7.0 to 7.1 -->
7.6. Upgrade the Oracle Database Instance

Before performing an upgrade, the Oracle database may require an upgrade by 
running certain patch scripts. Depending on which version you are 
upgrading from and to, you may need to execute different scripts.
From 6.3 to 7.0
The core package requires the oracle database to be updated.

Run the script for generating a *.tar file containing the patch script(s):
$ ./ prepare_db_upgrade
The file database-upgrade.tar containing the required patch scripts will be generated.

Copy the file to the database server.

Exctract the script(s):
$ tar xvf database-upgrade.tar

Run the following command sequence:
$ sqlplus
Username: mzowner
Password: <password>
> @database-upgrade.sql


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