Versions Compared


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Having When you have completed the preparations , it is now time you can proceed to install Usage Engine Private Edition.


  • ingress-nginx-controller

  • cert-manager

Example Certificate

Since cert-manager is being used to provide TLS to the Usage Engine Private Edition installation in this example, you need to create an issuer in order to generate the required certificate.

Here In this example, we are going to use an ACME issuer type that is configured to match the Kubernetes cluster that was set up previously in the Preparations - OCI (4.2) chapter:


Code Block
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: oci-profile
type: Opaque
  tenancy: "your tenancy ocid"<tenancy_ocid from terraform output>
  user: "your user ocid" <user_ocid configured in terraform.tfvars>
  region: "your region" <region from terraform output>
  fingerprint: "your key fingerprint"<fingerprint configured in terraform.tfvars>
  privateKey: |
    ...KEY DATA HERE...
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  privateKeyPassphrase: "private keys passphrase or empty string if none"

Create the secret prior to ClusterIssuer creation. To install secret oci-profile to cert-manager namespace :run the following command:

Code Block
kubectl apply -f oci-profile.yaml -n cert-manager

Assuming that the issuer spec above has been saved into a file called example-issuer.yaml, it can be created like thisyou can create it by running the following command:

Code Block
kubectl apply -f example-issuer.yaml

Load Balancer TLS Certificate

With ClusterIssuer setup properly, we can proceed to generate TLS Certificate and import into OCI Certificates Service.

To generate certificate, create a yaml file named certificate.yaml with the following contents:

Code Block
kind: Certificate
  name: lb-cert
  commonName: <cluster_dns_zone_name listedfrom in the terraform output>
    - <cluster_dns_zone_name listed infrom the terraform output>
    - desktop-online.<cluster_dns_zone_name listed in thefrom terraform output>
    - platform.<cluster_dns_zone_name listedfrom in the terraform output>
    - ingress.<cluster_dns_zone_name listedfrom in the terraform output>
    - grafana.<cluster_dns_zone_name listed in thefrom terraform output>
    kind: ClusterIssuer
    name: example-issuer
  secretName: lb-cert
  1. Execute the yaml file by running the following command:

Code Block
kubectl apply -f certificate.yaml -n uepe
  1. Wait for a while and confirm that the certificate has been generated successfully .by running the following command:

Code Block
kubectl get certificate -n uepe 
  1. The output shows will show that the certificate named lbcert’s status is ready


  1. Extract the server certificate and CA certificate from secret lbcert by running the following command:

Code Block
kubectl get secrets lb-cert -n uepe -o yaml | yq '.data' | grep "tls.crt" | awk -F : '{print $2}'| tr -d " "|base64 -d > tls.crt
  1. Separate server certificate and CA certificate into two files by running the following command:

Code Block
csplit tls.crt '/^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----$/' 
  1. Rename first generated file as server certificate file by running the following command:

Code Block
mv xx00 tls.crt
  1. Rename second generated file as CA certificate file by running the following command:

Code Block
mv xx01 ca.crt
  1. Extract the private key from secret lbcert by running the following command:

Code Block
kubectl get secrets lb-cert -n uepe -o yaml | yq '.data' | grep "tls.key" | awk -F : '{print $2}'| tr -d " "|base64 -d > tls.key

By now, The server certificate, CA certificate and private key are now stored in tls.crt, ca.crt and tls.key respectively. Next The next step is to import them into the OCI Certificates Service.



You do not need to import the server certificate, CA certificate and private key into the OCI Certificate Service anymore if OCI Native Ingress controller version 1.3.8 and above is installed.


The load balancer TLS certificate can be obtained from Ingress secret internally.

This helm chart property oci.certificates.enabled must then be set to false


when following the Install Helm Chart section.


The helm chart property can be omitted.

Skip the next section and proceed to TLS Backendset Secret section.

Import into OCI Certificates Service

Go to the OCI console management , and search for Certificates service. On the Certificates service page, click Create Certificate and follow these steps:

  1. Select Certificate Type Imported and key in a unique name.

  2. Click Next to go to Certificate Configuration page.

  3. Upload the tls.crt, ca.crt and tls.key files according to table below respectively :

OCI Certificates Configuration

file to upload



Certificate Chain


Private Key


  1. Click Next and proceed to Create Certificate.

  2. Wait for the certificate to be created.

  3. Copy and save the certificate’s ocid. This ocid will be set to the property in the helm chart value file in the next section.

TLS Backendset Secret

The SSL configuration between the load balancer and the backend servers (worker nodes) in the backend set is known as backend SSL. In this case, the backend set is referring to the Platform Pod on the worker nodes. To implement backend SSL, you store the SSL certificates and private key in the form of a Kubernetes secret.

You already have server certificate, The CA certificate and private key generated from the previous section . These certificates and private key can be reused to generate the Kubernetes secret needed by the backend set.

To store the certificate and the private key as a secret in Kubernetes, run the following command:

Code Block
kubectl create secret generic ca-ser-secret -n uepe --from-file=tls.crt=tls.crt --from-file=tls.key=tls.key --from-file=ca.crt=ca.crt

Now, the The backend set secret named ca-ser-secret has now been created in the namespace uepe.



These secret names ca-ser-secret and lb-cert are default secret name names used internally in PE the Usage Engine Private Edition helm chart. If user intended you intend to use a different secret name, these helm chart properties MUST be set in uepe-values.yaml. For example,:



Install Helm Chart

Although the number of helm value combinations to set is virtually endless, there are some values should more or less practically always be set.

So let’s start Start by creating a file called uepe-values.yaml, and in that file, specify a minimal set of values that will serve as a good starting point:


Example below assumes In the example below, it is assumed that you have configured the Postgres admin password through a secret. If you have not done so please refer to , see for guidance.

Code Block
    enabled: false
  backendNSG:<backend_nsg from terraform output>
      port: 9001
      port: 443  
environment: oci
  domain:<cluster_dns_zone_name from terraform output>
    serviceName: ingress-nginx-controller
  - name: ecr-cred  
licenseKey: VGhpcyBpcyBhIGZha2UgVXNhZ2UgRW5naW5lIFByaXZhdGUgRWRpdGlvbiBsaWNlbnNlIGtleSE=
  format: json
    type: postgresql
      public: certManager
          kind: ClusterIssuer
          name: example-issuer
    enabled: true    
  adminUsername: postgres
  host: <db_endpoint from terraform output>
  port: 5432<db_port from terraform output>
  enabled: true
  existingClaim: fss-pvc

Here follows Below you can find information on how you can determine the values to set in your particular installation:




This value determine indicates if you to use OCI SSL certificate or Kubernetes secret for Load Balancer SSL termination. Default The default value is false if it is not set, i.e., to obtain which means that the SSL certificate is obtained from the Kubernetes secret internally.

Set it to true if you want to use OCI SSL certificate.

This value should be set to match the ocid of certificate created in previous section, Import-into-OCI-Certificates-Service. Not This value is not in used if oci.certificates.enabled is false.


Value This value is taken from the backend_nsg listed in the terraform output produced in the Set Up Kubernetes Cluster - OCI | Create-Basic-Cluster-and-additional-infrastructure section.


This is the desktop-online backend set health check port, i9001.e., 9001


This is the ingress nginx backend set health check port, i.e443., 443


This is the name of the Kubernetes Service that was created adding the Kubernetes Add-ons | ingress-nginx-controller.


Value This value is taken from the cluster_dns_zone_name listed in the terraform output produced in the Set Up Kubernetes Cluster - OCI | Create-Basic-Cluster-and-additional-infrastructure section.


This is referencing an image pull secret containing the credentials required in order to pull container images from the Digital Route DigitalRoute AWS ECR registry. If you are hosting the container images in your own container registry, another image pull secret might be needed, depending on how that it is configured, another image pull secret is probably needed. See See General Usage Engine Private Edition Preparations (4.2) for additional information.


The This is the license key that can be found in the licenseKey file that you have previously received (see the , see section)


If you need to use dedicated log collection and monitoring tools like Fluent-bit, Elasticsearch, Kibana or AWS CloudWatch for Usage Engine Private Edition, make sure ensure that the log format is configured to json. See Configure Log Collection, Target, and Visualization - OCI for additional information.


These values are set to use the example issuer created at the beginning of this chapterpage. This should only be seen as an example and the values should be adjusted according to the real world situationscenario.


Value This value is taken from the db_admin_user listed in the terraform output produced in the Set Up Kubernetes Cluster - OCI | Create-Basic-Cluster-and-additional-infrastructure section.

Value This value is taken from the db_endpoint listed in the terraform output produced in the Set Up Kubernetes Cluster - OCI | Create-Basic-Cluster-and-additional-infrastructure section.


Value This value is taken from the db_port listed in the terraform output produced in the Set Up Kubernetes Cluster - OCI | Create-Basic-Cluster-and-additional-infrastructure section.


The persistent volume claim name created in previous section OCI-Add-ons | oci-file-service-storage | Static Provisioning.

Ignore if persistence.enabled is false


General documentation of information about the values above is provided in the values.yaml file in the usage-engine-private-editionhelm chart.


In this the example presented below, the system database is to be automatically created at install time. For this to happen, you need to provide the database administrator credentials. Hence, the postgres.adminUsername value is set to the default OCI PostgreSQL administrator username. Since setting passwords through helm values is a great security risk, it is assumed that you have previously boostrapped the postgresqlPassword secret key with a value equal to super_SeCrEt_db_pAsSwOrD_457! (see the following assumptions have been made:

161481567General+1#Bootstrapping section for an explanation on how to do this)
  • .

The command below can be used You can use the following command to install Usage Engine Private Edition:


Where <version> is the version of Usage Engine Private Edition to install. For , for example 4.0.0.

Check that all pods are running and that all pod containers become ready (this may take a little while)by running the following command:

Code Block
kubectl get pods -w -n uepe                  
NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
desktop-online-5fdd4df85b-5hc6z                     1/1     Running   0          97m
external-dns-54fb5cb46b-4lfld                       1/1     Running   0          27h
ingress-nginx-controller-7477648b4c-sz2nw           1/1     Running   0          27h
oci-native-ingress-controller-6cd8cf8d79-dz8zp      1/1     Running   0          29h
platform-0                                          1/1     Running   0          97m
uepe-operator-controller-manager-69c4b499c8-h9l8w   2/2     Running   0          97m
uepe-operator-controller-manager-69c4b499c8-hxdcb   2/2     Running   0          97m

This may take a little while

To get the Desktop Online web user interface hostname run the following command:

Code Block
kubectl get ingress -n uepe

The output shows the FQDN hostname, IP address and port to access the desktop online web user interface.

Code Block
NAME                       CLASS                     HOSTS                                                             ADDRESS           PORTS   AGE
desktop-online             native-ic-ingress-class   80      99m
ingress-nginx-controller   native-ic-ingress-class   80      99m

The You should now be able to access the Desktop Online user interface should now be accessible at:
Note that it It may take a little while before the DNS record gets registered.

Insert excerpt
Installation Misc
Installation Misc
nameConnect from legacy swing desktop
The Usage Engine Private Edition installation is now complete.

Other Common Installation Configurations

Here follows Bellow are a few common installation configurations for the Usage Engine Private Edition helm chart.

They should be seen as variations to the main installation example outlined above.

Persistent File Storage

If you have chosen selected to prepare for persistent file storage, there are two different ways of configuring your Usage Engine Private Edition installation to use it.

Use Bundled OCI Specific PVC

Specifically for OCI, the Usage Engine Private Edition helm chart contains a bundled persistent volume claim. This persistent volume claim is using the fss-dyn-storage storage class. To enable it, simply set the following helm values:


Where the persistence.bundledClaim.storageRequest value is used to control the size of the requested storage (default is 1Gi).

Use a command like this You can use the following command to inspect the persistent volume claim that gets created as a result of setting the above helm values:

Code Block
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims mz-bundled-pvc -o yaml

Reference Arbitrary PVC

Usage Engine Private Edition can be configured to reference an arbitrary persistent volume claim by setting the following helm values:
