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The Zuora Usage Record Forwarder is used to send usage data to Zuora Billing using the Zuora Post Usage API or with the Active Rating Post Usage API. You map fields from a source to specific target fields, and the Zuora Usage Record Forwarder then compiles and forwards the mapped fields accordingly.

The options are available under the Parameters and Configuration tabs. The Parameters tab allows you to set the values for how the Zuora Usage Record Forwarder would behave when communicating with the Zuora Billing system. The Configuration tab allows you to configure options to send the usage data and allows you to enable the use of Active Rating on the Zuora Usage Record Forwarder.


Under Parameters, you get the Environment, Credentials, and Entity options to configure your connection settings.


You can configure this function in the following settings.

  • Environmentto select the Zuora environment.

  • Authenticationto select a Zuora credential from Secrets Wallet.

  • Entitytospecify the name of the entity if you have the Zuora Multi-entity feature enabled.

  • Request to enable Active Rating. The configuration fields will be different if you have toggled on Use Active Rating described below.

    • Required fields to field map the mandatory fields for the usage record.

    • Optional fields to add the remaining or additional optional fields to compile the usage record.

    • Operational Settings to enable Retry on failed response with a defined number of times.

    • Response handling to determine the response details sent to a selected Interconnect receiver.





The name of the Zuora environment. The following endpoints are available for selection:

US DC1 Production:
US DC2 Production:
US DC1 API Sandbox:
US DC2 API Sandbox:
US Central Sandbox:

EU Production:
EU Sandbox:
EU Central Sandbox:



: Use this option to access your own custom tenant environment. Specify the URL for your endpoint.







Secrets Wallet

Select from secrets wallet

Choose from a list of Zuora secret wallet passes.







If you have the Zuora Multi-entity feature enabled, you can specify the name of the entity you want access to. Zuora Multi-entity provides the capability to create and manage multiple entities within a single Zuora tenant.

For more information on Zuora Multi-entity, refer to .






To send usage data to a Zuora Billing system, toggle off Use Active Rating. The Active Rating option is only applicable to Zuora customers that have the Active Rating feature activated, and the Use Active Rating toggle should always be off if this is not the case.

Rw ui tabs macro
Rw tab
titleNon-Active Rating


Required fields

In Required fields, the field mapping is done for the mandatory fields for the usage record. You must specify the Source Field based on the input from the previous function for the appropriate Required fields. There are three Required fields that must be mapped to the source fields: Quantity, StartDateTime, and UOM.

Required fields non active rating.pngImage Added

Optional fields

In Optional fields, you add the remaining optional fields, or you may add additional custom fields to compile the usage record. To add an optional field, click the Add field mapping button. There are


eight default Optional fields and those are AccountId, AccountNumber, ChargeId, ChargeNumber, Description, EndDateTime, SubscriptionId, and SubcriptionNumber. To add a custom field mapping, type the custom field name into Add field. Added custom fields will automatically be appended with the suffix ___c


. You do not need to include this suffix in the field name.



Either AccountId or AccountNumber must be specified together with Required fields to successfully send usage records

Optional fields non active rating.pngImage Added

Operational settings

In the Operational settings, you can take the following optional steps to configure the Zuora Usage Record Forwarder:

  • You can toggle on the Retry on fail functionality, allowing the service to retry the operation when an error has occurred. You can specify the number of retries in the Number of retries box, where the retries will be attempted inside the dynamically adjusted period of retry time.



The maximum number of allowed retries is 12 and all retries will be attempted in a total span of approximately 68 minutes.  


Use Case Scenario

The Retry on fail functionality can be used when servers respond with error codes such as 500 or 503 due to intermittent server issues. The retry on fail option allows


you to retry sending the requests a set number of times. This is only useful for 5xx error codes.

  • You can choose to either Ignore or Stop the stream when the requests still fail after the specified retries have been executed.

Operational settings non active rating.pngImage Added

Response handling

Toggling the Response handling on will allow you to Select Interconnect receiver. The Zuora Usage Record Forwarder has a built-in Interconnect Sender which will forward the status ID, request and


record details received from Zuora. A second stream can use the Interconnect Receiver to accept the status ID, request and records details forwarded by the Zuora Usage Record Forwarder to track the status of the submitted usage record in Zuora. If the stream fails for any reason, the Zuora Usage Record Forwarder will not send anything through the Interconnect Sender.



  • 40 requests will be sent asynchronously to Zuora

  • Each request contains one record

Response handling non active rating.pngImage Added
Rw tab
titleActive Rating


Required fields

In Required fields, the field mapping is done for the mandatory fields for the usage record. You must specify the Source Field based on the input from the previous function for the appropriate Required fields. There are


five Required fields that must be mapped to the source fields: accountNumber, tag, unitOfMeasure, startDateTime, and quantity.

Required fields active rating.pngImage Added

Optional fields

In Optional fields, you add the remaining optional fields, or you may add additional custom fields to compile the usage record. To add an optional field, click the Add field mapping button. There are three Optional fields and those are description, groupId, and uniqueKey. To add a custom field mapping, type the custom field name into Add field. Added custom fields will automatically be appended with the suffix ___c


. You do not need to include this suffix in the field name.

Optional fields active rating.pngImage Added

Operational settings

In the Operational settings, you can take the following optional steps to configure Zuora Usage Record Forwarder:

  • You can toggle on the Retry on fail functionality, allowing the service to retry the operation when an error has occurred. You can specify the number of retries in the Number of retries box, where the retries will be attempted inside the dynamically adjusted period of retry time.



The maximum number of allowed retries is 12 and all retries will be attempted in a total span of approximately 68 minutes.  


Use Case Scenario

The Retry on fail functionality can be used when servers respond with error codes such as 500 or 503 due to intermittent server issues. The retry on fail option allows users to retry sending the requests a set number of times. This is only useful for 5xx error codes.

  • You can choose to either Ignore or Stop the stream when the requests still fail after the specified retries have been executed.

Operational settings active rating.pngImage Added

Response handling

Toggling the Response handling on will allow you to Select Interconnect receiver. The Zuora Usage Record Forwarder has a built-in Interconnect Sender which will forward the status ID, request and records details received from Zuora. A second stream can use the Interconnect Receiver to accept the status ID, request and records details forwarded by the Zuora Usage Record Forwarder to track the status of the submitted usage record in Zuora. If the stream fails for any reason, Zuora Usage Record Forwarder will not send anything through the Interconnect Sender.



  • 40 requests will be sent asynchronously to Zuora

  • Each request contains 5 records

Response handling active rating.pngImage Added